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So, I was hunkering down yesterday to write this month's Bonus Content stories when... I didn't quite know what to put into my metaphorical paper. I have a few ideas, but honestly, they didn't inspire me too much, so instead of forcing myself to write them, I continue to work on Chapter 3. 

That's why I'm coming here for your help. Would you mind doing a Q&A? Even if you don't have a question you want to ask, you can give me an idea for a short story for the ROs that you'd like to see. I'll write a story for each RO. 😊

If you do have a question, I'll do my best to answer it! Everything from Book One to the Alpha demo is fair game — this includes characters, questions about certain events, etc. 

If you have been on my blog, I recently announced that Vallen is a new RO. I'll discuss this decision in Friday's progress report but, for now, I'll just say that because of the highly spoiling nature of her route, I won't add her to the ROs stories just yet. You can ask about her, but there won't be a romantic short for my favorite guard this month!

Thank you all so much. I look forward to hearing your suggestions! ♡


Nessy Lovegood

Angsty as all hell, and I think you might have already done this on your Tumblr. But what about Hadrian and Alessa's reactions to MC dying? Another angsty suggestion, deep into the romance Hadrian and Alessa, are asleep with MC in their shared room. But MC slips away into the night without a word or a clue as to where they're going or why they're leaving. Hmmm maybe possibly a note saying even though they love RO and would do anything for them, that anything in their mind would be leaving Hadrian or Alessa to keep them out of danger. Or at least that's what they think. Since the Inquisition is after them and say they're getting closer to finding Romanus. As much as it kills Romanus they decide it's best to leave. And say maybe they leave a personal affect such as if you took the cross from Aurelius or Juturna's coin. And maybe in a note telling them in Latin they love them forever. Or something A less angsty and more fun one, the subject of getting a pet comes up lol. And this can be for just Hadrian and Alessa or all the ROs. But I feel like that would be an amusing and fun conversation.


As long as Alessa is in it, I will read anything

Nessy Lovegood

Ohhhh your latest part to the Q&A inspired more questions. Will Romanus ever trust the ROs enough to tell them that they're running from the Inquisition? Will we learn why there's a dark mark (Harry Potter reference hehe ) on their hand? Will we get to find out why the Inquisition is after Romanus specifically other than that they're a Romanus and speak Latin? But why Romanus? There has to be something the Inquisition seems more than just Romanus being able to speak Latin. I can already see my Romanus starting to break. And Hadrian is very much worried about his love.


Another RO being a total dick to Romanus love interest, and they're like Imma cut you if you insult my precious baby again fool I'm thinking Alessa and Raphael, but it could work for any of the other ones too potentially. Maybe not Neia though, I think she'd just stab them herself before Romanus could even reach for their dagger