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Just as I had predicted, I've been having way too much fun with Mist and the unraveling of some small mysteries, that, of course, some of the interactions have grown much more than I had anticipated. The Devil's Guardian part, for example, turned out to be 3.6k words long, and the Theers were just a little over 3.1k. There are smaller ones, but there's one left that I think will reach the 4k words. 

This is all to say that I've written 6 out of 8 choices you can ask Mist — it's 8 because I didn't show the last one on purpose so you guys could have a little surprise :) 

After that, I only have to write the last of Mist's rewards — this one is the smallest and most straightforward. It's also the one Mist will be disappointed if you choose. 

And then, it's a matter of going back to add text in case you don't have the gauntlet and offered Juturna's coin right away. The text is mostly the same, but, of course, it differs in some places. It's a quick process, I just have to go back to the beginning of the negotiation and read carefully, adding and changing text when necessary.

I also need to write a scene where you don't ask Mist to trade, but the crime lord has something of you he wants — and thus, he's the one to initiate a proposition. 

I know this seems like a lot, but I WILL finish the chapter before next Friday. I need to put this chapter to rest!!. The rewrite is already at 24k extra words, and I predict it'll take around 8k more to be done.

Next week's goal is to FINISH!!! I don't think I'll be able to write every day — my colleague is on sick leave, so I'll have to work for two, but, at least, I'll have Monday and a half Thursday off. 😊

That's it! I hope, with DashingDon save feature (which I'm forever bitter I can't have in the published game 😭), you guys will explore all the possible choices — I think there are things of value to know in each one, but then again, I'm a little biased.

See you soon! I finished watching the live-action One Piece last night, and now all I want is to jump a thousand words of the story and get Romanus into a ship already. 😋



Gotta love surprises! So excited to find out what it is! And I will send you some virtual strength your way to finish the chapter, we believe in you 🙌🙌 Also! My friends and I are also watching the One Piece live action. As a 3D artist I was surprised how good some of the effects were, some were undeniably goofy but ultimately fit the vibe of the show 😂😂


I thought CoG announced a few weeks ago that they were adding save/restore to all games, retroactively and going forward. Is that not the case?


I loved the show! 😆 they kept the silliness and over the top action of anime but made it super endearing and fun. I'm definitely watching the second season


I saw that they announced you can finally delete saves from your account but there's no plan right now to add a saving system - or even a checkpoint system :(