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I just reached the end of my first full Monday writing session, and I wrote just a little over 3.3k words!!!

Nero, my dog, had an appointment at the vet in the afternoon, which cut some time because otherwise, I think I could have made it to 4k. The words were just... flowing. I don't have a first draft for this part, so it's all straight from my brain, and it's messy and a bit convoluted, and it'll probably require a bit more editing in the future, but it's so fun! 😄

Romanus is a character I'm growing so incredibly fond of, especially now that their past is revealed, and I can play a little bit more with what makes them... them. Even when you're butting heads with Alessa or disagreeing with Hadrian, or making morally dubious choices, I can't help but secretly root for them. xD

Anyway, there's not much point to this post. I just wanted to share this bit of news. It's the first Monday of my new free days — I have half of Thursday off, which will also be very motivating. 😊

My new keyboard has also finally arrived!! Unlike my other keyboard, this is an English one, so it's so much easier to write in this language with it T_T. It's also great for my wrists and posture. Writing for long hours is starting to burden my body, so I'm searching for ways to ease it — besides small pauses every hour and exercise, of course, xD.

Plus, look how cute it is (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ )♡

Okay, I'll stop rambling! Hope your Monday was good. I'll have more posts with actual content for you soon. ♡


Rayven Sayavong

Most interactive fictions I’ve played, have the player character feeling bland or not fully fleshed out, but Romanus truly does feel like her own person with her own life that you are just privileged of getting this glimpse into. I would not even be able to tell she was a player character (were it not obvious due to us making choices as her). I can say with certainty that I have NEVER read an IF that made me fall in love with the player character as much as you have! This is why this is truly my all time favorite IF. Even with as much agency as we have to shape her personality, she still feels so real and raw, and I LOVE HER. I am just as excited to just simply exist as her, as I am to learn about the other characters, and that is a very foreign feeling to me. I didn’t feel like I needed other characters around to progress the story, as she was able to stand as a character all on her own. One of my favorite chapters was when we were looking for Raf’s whereabouts, and you could explore all of those places around Tarragona. Even though we were on our own for most of that, it was incredibly engaging and just plain fun!


Wow I might save your comment on my notes 😭💗 thank you so much for taking the time to type this, it means a lot

Rayven Sayavong

I’d be honored 🥺 took me a while to put words to the feelings, but I’m glad it meant something to you 😊


this little lamp you have there is adorable 🥰🥰 and the keyboard looks very nice too! I'm sure we're all excited for what you're writing:)