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'Tis Friday!

And thus we finally meet again. As most of you probably know, I've updated the Alpha link with most of Chapter Two — there's a last set of scenes missing right at the end of the chapter that I want to rework a little. The new idea I had for those scenes is actually making me more excited to share them than the whole chapter before. 😄

I will start to re-write those final scenes tomorrow! Since Tuesday, when I updated, I've been resting a bit from the Rose. Just a few days to recharge before I plunge back in — mostly because the last bit of code I did left me completely burned out (╥_╥).

But these few days have been great, and I had the break I needed!!!! I started (and finished) Exandria Unlimited: Calamity. Has any of you seen it? I am... blown away by it. What an incredible piece of storytelling. Legitimately speechless. I'm still recovering emotionally (and my eyes are still puffy from crying for 4 hours), but my God. Watching great stories being told inspires me so much to write my own.

In any case, tomorrow I return to the keyboard!! 😊 The goal for next week is to write every single day. I don't have a first draft of these new scenes, so I can't predict where I'll roughly be a week from now, but I want to have covered the first half of it. But the official goal is to write every day.

As a side note to all on the Silver tier and above: Because of this month's update, my vacation, and the health complications I had, I won't publish the two Bonus Stories like I always do. I'm very sorry, but I just didn't have the time to write them — I hope the update has given you enough content that you can forgive this.

I'll still publish the Mature story next Wednesday and the Lingering Glance either Sunday or Monday. Next month is business as usual — with all the content you subscribe for. ♡♡

And that's it! How's August going? We've been suffering from heatwave to heatwave, and my heart breaks every time I turn on the news, and another precious acre of our countryside is swallowed by flames. Rest well, dream big, and see you all on the next fork of the road. 🌹


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