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It's Friday!

This week, I finished reviewing all of my tester's emails! They caught a bunch of typos (some of them are so incredibly oblivious, I'm ashamed they slipped through the cracks in the first place), but they also provided me with great feedback regarding the story and my execution as a whole. It's always nice to read someone is enjoying the game 😊. I'm very aware both my testers and you guys are but a small pool (and a bit biased 😋), but it makes me feel a little bit more confident, nonetheless. 

I also started the deep edit of Chapter One! And oh my forbidden gods,  does it need it. I'm not quite at the halfway point yet, but I've shaved off 3k unnecessary words, a useless branching choice, and modified too many sentences and dialogues to count. I also adjusted page_breaks and paragraph cut-off points so that the chapter flows better. There were a couple of instances when I genuinely asked myself what the hell I was thinking 😄. One passage was pure rambling. I really didn't get the point of it being there.

I also caught a small error that made a section of flavor text not appear in the text. 

In any case, all this is to say: I'm loving this! The chapter is looking better and better the further I go. Is it long, sometimes grueling work? It can be. I'm following the code along with the game opened at the side, so I can not only see what it's there but how it looks on the page. I also have to be super focused because I'm constantly re-writing passages, so it's a lot more complex than simply hunting for typos. 

It's also taking a bit more time than I anticipated, but I'm not sorry there because I really think it's worth it.

For the next week, I want to finish the deep dive!!! Or be very close to finishing it. I know that, as much as I'm having fun right now, I'll get tired of it. I know myself; when a task becomes repetitive, my enjoyment vanishes like smoke. I'll still do it because it needs to be done, but I'll do it begrudgingly. 😄 So, I want to finish this as soon as possible. 

Hope you've had a good week. I'm at a Starbucks right now, sitting with an empty cup of my favorite sugar-filled coffee, and the bright sun outside is starting to mellow into shades of orange. I think it's time to start walking toward the train station. I have a dog and a cat waiting for me at home. 

One is eager to go on his evening walk; when he gets to play with friends and receive treats from their owners, and the other is eager to have her evening meal and then play catch with me in that hunting, hide-and-seek way cats love to do. 

Have a great weekend! 🌹


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