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Hello, hello!

We find each other again somewhere along the neverending path. This week I've been!!!!!! Editing Chapter One. 😄 😩 I like it, but then I don't, and then I find a little sentence that makes me proud, and I tolerate it yet again. I've gone through almost all of my testers' emails and feedback — only one left — and I've been doing some tweaks and adjustments along the way.

I've been correcting some things I catch on my own, mainly fixing dialogue and the odd typo, but I haven't yet started the deep dive since the beginning. That'll be after I finish with the testers' feedback. I was hoping to be done with that part yesterday, but I had a very insistent headache the whole day that prevented me from focusing on much, much less words on a screen.

I would have finished it today, but... I had the itch to write 😋. So, I went ahead and worked on the Mature story for this month. I'm almost finished with it, and ehehe I like it. I'll post it next Wednesday. It was a nice break from editing. Refreshing.

So, the emails will be finished Monday! And right after that, I'll plunge into the deep dive. I'm sorry the news aren't more exciting but I need to do this more... boring work. Last book, I made the mistake of leaving the really heavy revisions and editing to the end after I was finished with the book, and let me tell you, editing a million words at once... never again.

I'll be doing it chapter by chapter now so that when I finish writing the second book, it's quite literally finished.

The goal for next week? Finish the alpha testers' emails, and reach the halfway mark of Chapter One!!!! It's a bit ambitious, but not impossible.

How's your Saturday? I had no plans today, so I wrote, and now I think I'll read for a little bit. It's too hot outside for long walks and plans, anyway, and I'm tired of the mall. Oh, sweet autumn where art thou?

Have a great day, everyone!!! 🌹


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