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It is Done. And I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

I know  I promised to write the progress report yesterday, but I finished my writing session (mentally drained), and I had only 4 notebook pages until the end of the chapter. Four!!! So, I decided to write today and voilá. With almost 3k words written today, so I finish Chapter Two. 😭

It stands at 67k words — a respectable size 😋. This chapter was a lot of fun to write but tricky because it not only introduces a new important character but it eases into the characterization of another. It also pretty much lays the trail for the first arc of the book — it's a lot less action-packed than chapter one; its main meat is a meeting, after all, but Romanus and companions need a little time to catch their breath anyway. xD

I hope you'll find it exciting in different ways and feel the slow, creeping sense of raised stakes. Raised players. Raised goals.

What's next, you may ask? I'll go back to chapter one! I'm going to go over all the feedback my testers gave me, and the one you guys gave me as well, and change/perfect what I agree with. I'll also do what I call a 'deep dive' of the chapter: that is, a final round of editing. I'll read every line, cut off unnecessary parts, improve dialogue, adjust descriptions, hunt down typos and bugs, and do all the grueling, boring work of writing an IF 😄.

Some of you might know that editing is my least favorite part, but I'll find some joy in it. I have to. Chapter One is pretty hefty, one of the biggest chapters I've ever written, so I'm not sure how long this editing might take me. No more than two weeks, I hope? Maybe less? I honestly forget how fast I usually edit 😅. I'll tell you next week. But I'm really hoping it won't take more than 2 weeks.

In any case, once that's done, I'll upload the shiny, all-polished chapter one to the alpha link.

After that, it's the fun part. Coding chapter two!!!! I'll have to go back and forth between chapter two and the Summary as more and more variables from Book One become relevant. Except, too, an update on the Summary. I usually aim to code 20 Word pages a day.

Thank you, yet again, for your support. I can't wait to share another piece of this story with you — and read your feedback and thoughts. I'll admit, Chapter Three is one that I've been ITCHING to write for a very long time, so I'm getting giddy just thinking about how close I am to actually doing it. But, I must do justice for Chapter Two. So, I shall take care to treat it properly.

Have an amazing rest of the weekend. Keep that wind at your back, and may it be warm and comforting like the gentle pressure of a friend's supporting hand. 🌹


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