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I liked this passage 😄. Poor Hadrian, the author loves to tease him.

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You look at Hadrian critically from head to toe. "He'd be better off passing as a guard," you say, noting his height and muscular build. "Servants are meant to be unseen, discarded unless needed. Hadrian would attract eyes."

Lance cocks his head. "Yes, especially amongst the ladies."

"That could be good. If one takes him to a spare room, he can search the private quarters once she's sleeping," Mist says with a pondering face.

"W—wait." Hadrian sits up in his chair, his face beet red. "I'm not going to anyone's quarters."

"You may require to," Alessa says. "We do not know where the maps may be."

"You know I didn't mean—"

*if Sarcastic>= 60

You can’t help it. You join in. “Come now, Hadrian. Can’t you take one for the team?”

Hadrian turns suffering eyes at you. “Not you too, ${Name}.”

You laugh, but leave the poor man be. “Couldn’t he be a guard?” you ask Mist, sharing the grin on his and Lance’s face. Even Alessa fights back a smile. It seems upsetting Hadrian is a bonding activity. "Alessa goes in as a maid while Hadrian mingles with the guard."

*if Sarcastic< 60

"Couldn't he be a guard?" you interrupt, choosing to ignore the grins on Mist's and Lance's faces. Even Alessa fights back a smile. It seems upsetting Hadrian is a bonding activity. "Alessa goes in as a maid while Hadrian mingles with the guard."


Mist shakes his head, expression serious once more. "The castle's guard is a private force of the Theer family. It would be..." He pauses. "Well, not impossible for me, but very difficult to slip in a new one on such short notice. No, the ex-Templar has to don the servant uniform and try his best to look small."

"I'm right here," Hadrian gruffs, frowning at you all. "You can just talk to me."

"But how will we achieve such a thing?" Alessa questions, talking over Hadrian. She's leaning forward on her seat, eyes intent on Mist. "Do you know of a secret entrance to the castle?"


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