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I'm Back!!!!

And it feels so good. Yesterday I had a BIG writing session — around 3k words. It seemed like my fingers missed the keyboard as much as me. Or, you know, it could be that what they say is true: sometimes a break, whether voluntary or not, really does help stimulate the creative juices. 

In any case, yesterday, I went back and finished the missing choices I talked about a few weeks back — the characters Romanus can think about. I also finished one of the four last small paths left until the end of the chapter. I'll probably write a little in the afternoon, but even if I can't find the time, I know I'll be finishing this chapter next week. 

Which is!!!! Very exciting!!!! 

That's the goal for next week: finish writing Chapter Two. And that's it! There's not much else to update you on since I got back to my country last Thursday night, but there are coals in the engine, and it's ready to go. 😄

Switzerland was beautiful as always ♡. I hope life has been treating you well. We passed the halfway mark of the year; I can't believe it. The summer months are coming, but I'm dreaming of Autumn already...

Have a great rest of the weekend! 🌹