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"Now, we may speak freely. Alessa, Hadrian, ${Name}," Mist says, enunciating each name clearly and precisely. It's as if he's putting them deep into memory. "Welcome to one of my abodes. It isn't much, but it gets the job done."

Lance's grey eyes glow blue under the lanterns. The bard adjusts his seat on the desk, perching with his hip leaning on the side. The real meeting begins.

*page_break  "So, which one of you knows Latin?"

The words hit you like a boulder. 

You tense without meaning to, and the room suddenly feels too small. Your fingertips turn cold while your blood runs hot, and you don't notice that you're squeezing the chair's arms until your knuckles creak. 

Alessa keeps her face perfectly still, but Hadrian leans on his chair and gives you a nervous glance. 


Mist folds his hands back together. "Why the hesitation? Tarek is nothing if not a careful man; he wouldn't send you hunting for texts you couldn't understand. One of you knows the forbidden language. I doubt it's Alessa. Is it you, former Templar?" He turns to Hadrian. "Did you learn it while under their red banner?"


Nessy Lovegood

Ohhh that old fucker ain't playing around. He mean business. I mean yeah he's an underground crime lord but damn. Straight to the point.


Well at least that's out of the way :') if he's gonna be this blunt, there's no point in delaying things any longer, he obviously knows it's Romanus!


Ok I know this is serious and all but how hilarious it would be if MC pointed at Lance since Mist probably already knows who in the gang knows Latin

Best Boy Pippy

Shiver me timbers! This is exciting!


Petition for an option to blurt it out protectively as soon as he even implies it was Hadrian--specially for those of us still wracked with guilt and anxiety over drawing too much attention last game and maybe putting our friends/ROs in the crossfire.


yolo bitch