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This week flew by. It also crawled at a slug's pace. Funny how contradictory life can be.

I couldn't write every day (╥_╥). Tuesday and yesterday, I was swarmed with work and domestic obligations and couldn't sit down to materialize thoughts into words. But the rest of the days, I did write, and thus I creep closer and closer to the end of this chapter.

I really love the last scene!!! It's only accessible if you carry with you certain items and also choose to bargain, but if you do, you'll have a bunch of content — and mysteries, maybe? — to explore. I'm writing the variations of one such choice, taking inspiration from pretty pictures of old weaponry, and I'm probably having more fun than I should. 🤭

I'm currently on variation number three — the longbow. After that, I'll work on the last set of choices for the chapter before it wraps itself in a pretty bow, ready for the next leg of the journey.

Aside from that, I also finished writing and editing the next Bonus Content for this month's Patreon. Wich it the first part of the Mature Q&A. I... hope you'll like it. 😳

Next week, I won't make a Progress Report because, on Thursday, I set sail to Switzerland to be at my brother's PhD thesis defense! I'm so proud of him 😭. I'll only stay until the 28th (so, less than a week 😔), but I won't be around Friday for the report. To compensate for the days I'll be gone, I'll write tomorrow and Sunday because on the 30th — when I make the next Progress Report — I want to say I'm done writing the chapter!!!!

I think I can make it. If not, I'll be very close.

How have you all been faring? Here, the heat it's starting to turn oppressive; my poor dog has begun to shun the high parts of the day. But, alas, the sunshine playing on the waves of the ocean is always a sight that fills my heart. I've been reading a lot recently — I'm almost done with Hyperion. Have any of you read it? So far, it'll probably make it to my top 10 list. What a masterpiece. What a book.

It's true what they say: art inspires. I can't remember the last time writing was this... easy. The more one reads, the more one wants to pick up a pen. I wonder if it's the same for artists, does walking around in a museum make you want to go home and pick up a brush? Does a musician write lyrics while listening to a symphony?

I have fun posts scheduled for next week, but again, just a reminder that there won't be a progress report on the 23rd. Let us meet again, under the shade and with cooling drinks. Have a great weekend! ❤❤



The heat has been on high for a few months here now, in the eastern USA, and working outside, you definitely get a feel of that oppressive warmth. But hey, I'm a humble delivery driver delivering packages to people's homes in the extreme heat! Personally, I prefer the cool of winter and early spring. Mind you watch your work schedule, now, you dont wanna get burnt out! But if you believe you can continue on your rest days, all power to you! I cannot wait to see the final product!


Good luck to your brother! And on another note, yes sometimes there are some art pieces I look at in a museum that are just so awe inspiring I can’t help but get restless in my fingers to draw. That’s why I tend to bring a sketchbook with me, to people watch or use a painting or statue as a reference 💖


Oof! Working under extreme heat is beyond tough! I hope you get a bunch of breaks! My favorite season is probably the winter too, but I can see the appeal in all four - even if I may get tired of said appeal pretty quickly xD And thank you! I'm feeling far from burnt out but I know that threat is always around the corner.


Hyperion is fantastic. The Shrike stays with me as an example of implacable horror even now.


That's so ethereal ❤ I've seen people with sketchbooks and journals in museums and exhibits and I always thought how infinitely cooler than me they are xD


That mature q&a is going to be spicy 🥵


Everything about it is so good. Each character's story is a reflection of a different side of human nature - the loss of faith, of honor, of literature... It's such a good book T_T And yes! The shrike is terrifying but honestly, I think the big "bad" guys are the TechnoCore AIs...


The TechnoCore is a very different sort of horror. I really like the juxtaposition in all the books, actually, of the different forms horror can take. And also the ways hope persists in between them. I don’t think it’s in Hyperion but that series has one of the most metal forms of interstellar travel I’ve ever heard of. The resurrection crèche.


Enjoy your trip, best of luck to your brother!! ^^ I find myself absolutely lost in like landscape paintings, I don't know why but they always make my mind run and Daydream until I have to put these random untold stories to paper haha. It's always crazy but fun, so I know exactly where you're coming from!

Brendon Andrews

Enjoy your time! Be sure you have a notebook ready to go just in case you get struck with one of those ideas. Take care and have fun!

Marie Strange

Have so much fun and be ever so safe! Good luck to your brother! As to your art question, my own brother is an amazing artist! I went to visit him back in March and we went to the Chicago Museum of Art. All he wanted to do was study the techniques and try them when we got to his house! Art does inspire art!


I love Hyperion. A shame about the sequels though! Ilion books, from the same author, are better in my opinion, but none on the level of Hyperion, sadly. Its narrative structure, story by story, does it for me.


I will like this month’s bonus content. You’re always great at writing no matter what. It’s going to be great. This is a request though, not a demand. I don’t want to put pressure on you but it would be great if you could put it up tomorrow while I have my day off work. If you can’t, it’s okay. I completely understand. Not a big deal at all. No pressure.


Best of luck to your brother, hope it goes well :D I'm currently rereading Bel-Ami, so not at all the same vibes as Hyperion haha, but I had heard good things about it! Being entranced in a new book is one of the best feelings in the world, alors bonne lecture 📖


What is wrong with the sequels? I just bought the first book because I have seen Ana post about it on tumblr and now patreon. So I don't know anything about it. What is the issues with the later books?


No spoilers, please! I just finished the first book. Please, if you want to continue the discussion, move to dms 😊


I'll keep this spoiler free (I literally don't know how to DM, sorry 🙈) but the feeling of freshness and geniality I got from Hyperion is gone in the sequels. I can't point out any glaring issues, it's more like that unique spark is not there and you're reading more of a conventional space opera saga.