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I know Madeira wasn't discovered until the early 1400s, but Godamn it, if I want to write about bolo do caco, then I'll write about bolo do caco. This is a fantasy world where History is muddy and took a turn for a reason. 

This exists in the Rose:



Is this like flat bread?


Every great food should exist and make an appearance when it's deemed fit. 😁


Artistic license and all that 👍😃


Sweet potato flat bread?!?! I'm sitting in North America salivating profusely wishing I was in Europe. that rice pudding scene was sooooo delicious I'm 100% supportive if you write even more about food, and the dinner spread at the Inn was also amazing...god it made me so hungry. Feel free to turn the Rose into the world's first food-themed Interactive novel LoL


It's oddly satisfying to write about food! 😊 and if, unlike me, you are any good at baking, there are recipes online! You can search 'Madeira's Flatbread' or something like that on Google^^


This sounds so good. Reminds me to buy more Portuguese custard tarts to hoard since they're hard to find where I'm at.