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Kill your darlings.

William Faulkner said it, and it's hard, but he was right. Sometimes, you really have to kill your darlings, and this week I killed a darling of mine that I had a lot of fun writing in the first draft.

But alas, the scene just didn't fit. It's a pity because I really liked one of the interactions in it, but I think I can reuse it (or at least something similar to it) further ahead in another chapter. For now, I'll have to remove it because I thought of something else that'll make much more sense — and honestly, make the crux of the chapter, Mist, much more impactful.

Or so I hope so. 😄

In other news, I wrote 3k words today!!!!

It was... a burst of unexpected inspiration if I'm allowed to be perfectly honest. I finished a scene that took on a bigger size than I anticipated — the entire scene was just a throwaway footnote in the first draft — but as I got to write it now... it just took up legs of its own.

I like it a lot! I hope the ones who experience it (since it's locked behind a choice you make in Book One) will enjoy it too. With the end of this scene, I'm much closer to the end of the big scene 3 too. I'm almost at the point of the splitting between a Romanus who accepted the ball invitation and one who did not. In the first draft, I rolled with one who had accepted, so I'll probably write that variation first.

On Wednesday, just like I said I would, I sat down in one of my favorite coffee shops and wrote some As to your Qs 😋. I also... got carried away with that xD. Some of the answers are so big, but I shall consider it your fault for asking in the first place! I'll probably have to extend the Q&A for next month too, just because of the sheer volume of questions, but I already can't wait for you to read them!

The goal for next week is to finish scene 3!!! I have a slightly busier week than this one, but I'm pretty confident I can manage to achieve this. Wednesday, coincidentally, is a very important day. I'm a bit nervous, and nothing better to distract the mind than plunging into the world of the Rose. If only I could live in it for a little while. 😊

And that's it! Chapter Two is growing and growing, with more Word pages by the day, and it's taking shape before my eyes. But words are meant to be shared, and I'm working as fast as I can so that I can.

Have a great Friday, an even better weekend, and may you start June with the best foot forward (I forget which one is supposed to be the lucky one. Probably the right, I assume). The weather is ever steadily getting hotter. Here come the summer months... 🌹



Ana, you are a rockstar! 3,000+ in a day that's insane. Good work!

Nessy Lovegood

Damn girl. You on fire. Are you sure you're not blazing through keyboards? Or writing in your notebooks so quickly that you literally burn a hole through the pages? ( This sounded better in my head) think Light Yagami in Deathnote, except don't put me in a notebook of death or my Romanus. We'd both appreciate that very much. Ok sorry I'm done *hurriedly exits stage right after making much of a fool of herself XD *


Sorry that you had to remove some pieces that you were proud of. But knowing you and your talent and the way hindsight is always 20/20, I am sure you'll find a more perfect use for them in future chapters! On a different note, I am wishing you the best of luck on your important Wednesday business! I hope it goes amazingly!

Brendon Andrews

Congrats on the progress! The best part of removing something you really like is one day it'll just click elsewhere and you'll find a way to improve it and love it more. I look forward to hearing about it again!