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2k Words today!

And what a nice round number that is. I swear it wasn't on purpose. 

This week has been a really productive one. I managed to write every single day, and I had a lot of fun doing it — which is obvious by the obnoxious amount of times I posted here this week. It's just that when I'm excited, I need to talk about it when someone, and since no one in my real life really cares about the Rose, I shall have to come to yell on Patreon instead. 😄 I understand if you're a bit tired of me this week, but it does stem from good progress!!!!!!

And progress is what I'd like to talk about. I'm at a part where it seems like I'm rowing with all my might in a river whose current matches my strength to an unsettling precision. That is to say, I'm writing and writing, but since there's so much variation, I've been"stuck" in the same notebook page for the last two days.

The culprit is, of course, dialogue. Different versions depending on your choices, on whether you're romancing Hadrian or Alessa, whether you broke up with them, whether you killed a certain... Devil's guardian, etc. As I said above, it has been a lot of fun. There are some passages that I really can't wait for people to read xD But, at the same time, it can be a little demotivating when I look down and realize that, plot-wise, I'm not advancing as much as I'd like.

I said my goal was to reach the middle of scene three, and I'm sad to say I didn't make it. I underestimated how long (and time-consuming) some of the parts are taking. But look, I'm almost done with this current deviation!

Almost all the bullet points are crossed, which means I'm almost to the point where the affluents converge, and the current shall take on a gentler tide.

That's the goal for next week! Get to the shallow waters and then plunge head-first into the halfway mark of scene three.

Thank you, as always, for all your patience and support. Thank you, also, to all of you who commented on the Q&A submissions! I have so much material that I'll probably save some of those for future scenarios since I want to expand on them!

Have a great weekend! May rolls gently onwards, dragging lazy summer in its clutches. ♡


Nessy Lovegood

Wow! You're a writing machine! I'm so glad you're having fun writing. It is super fun once you get an idea and just can't stop the words flowing. I finally started getting my ROs figured out. I'm so excited!


"Matilda kill variation" could this possibly be the name of our Devil's guardian? 👀


Can't wait to read it! Have a nice weekend.


I'm somewhat of a coder by trade (about 30% of my work is coding and integrating them in a more visual way) and yes trying to cover all variations and exceptions is really a chore. Sometimes a few lines represent several hours of work and trials and errors. To be honest it's one of the worst aspect of writing something, be it coding or writing IFs, just to keep track of all your variables and making sure nothing falls through the (mental) crack! This is especially true considering you are writing on paper! No spell check or compilation errors for you hahaha. All I meant say is good job slashing it Ana and it is hard work you are doing and we really get it lol

Nessy Lovegood

There will be 4 ROs total. 2 are gender locked and 2 will be player choice. The female gender locked is half Kitsune, the male gender locked is a human bounty hunter. The 2 players choice ones are an elf and a half dragon, half other species. Not sure yet XD


So true!! I never knew how much work goes into a game (or any coding work, really) before I starting writing the rose. And choice script is so simple 😆 so I can only imagine how much harder it's for you


Never tired of your updates that’s what I’m here for haha 💖💖




got me so dazed i just realized i commented on the wrong post somehow