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I'm in the mood to answer some queries and play with your prompts to make up some fun scenarios, so it's time to host another character Q&A! The last two were so fun, so I beseech you to ask questions to your heart's content!

As always, your asks can be directed at any character that appears in the first book or in the alpha of Book Two. You can also direct them at me, although I'm of the opinion I'm quite dull when compared with them. 😄

Hope you participate! ♡ 


Nessy Lovegood

For all the ROs, I know they may seem flawless buuuut there has to be times when your partner grates your nerves. So for each RO what is a pet peeve of theirs ?

Nessy Lovegood

Again for all the ROs, what if you discovered your dearly beloved (MC) had a "secret pet?" Such as MC has being hiding, feeding, taking care of a wild rabbit or squirrel. Or bird or something. So like let's say MC is running off mysteriously during the day and will be gone awhile but won't tell their partner. So RO gets curious/suspicious thinking maybe MC is cheating or something. So RO follows them one day. And they discover what Romanus is really upto 😆

Nessy Lovegood

A bit more serious question. This is again for all ROs how would you handle Romanus whose having a PTSD episode/panic attack? We know how you are when they have a nigntmare. But what about during the day ? In the middle of somewhere? Or on a mission or something?


I was wondering if you had "time-period accurate" (more or less 😁) musical inspiration when it comes to the world you've created for the Rose? Like the scene at the inn with the singer, was that inspired by some music in particular?


What is everyone's deepest fear? What are their guilty pleasures? If they could choose a bird, which one would they pick? Mist, why that name? Also, would you marry Romanus? I have a thing for the mysterious, holder of secrets kind of character Billy, do you think you need a vacation? Ana, does the name Romanus have a deeper meaning other than someone from Rome, (my headcanon is that Romanus are the descendants of Nero for some reason) Pythoness Cassia, what is your favorite food? if you could give Romanus one single piece of advice, what would it be?

Nessy Lovegood

Hadrian, I apologize if this is a trigger. But do you remember your birth family at all? And is there anyone in particular that you really miss when you were with the templars? Alessa same question. Was there anyone in your childhood particularly special to you that you really miss?

Nessy Lovegood

How long have Hadrian and Alessa crushes on MC before we meet them in the story?. And how long had they been travelling at that point? And also what made Hadrian and Alessa start to fall for MC? I mean they have it pretty bad for them. What affected them so profoundly? when you've started before that neither one of them has crushes very easily.


not a question but it’s awesome to see how many you’re getting. much love to you author.

Nessy Lovegood

Me! Me! Me! I have another question. Sorry Ana 😅 but this has been on my mind since well I read the book. I've read it many a time. So it's beginning of the book ish when the trio first comes to the Lion Inn. They're bathed and clean and sitting around eating and drinking. Having a merry time. Or so Alessa and Romanus think. Hadrian on the other hand... He's been harboring some bad feelings as well. He's hurt and he finally tells Romanus and Alessa what is own his mind. I also wish that he wouldn't/people wouldn't call him stupid or a "himbo." He's not stupid at all. But my question is this: why did Alessa and Romanus leave Hadrian out of knowing about Raf following them? And how did Hadrian end up finding out ? I've read and re-read this scene and what lead up to it. But I'm still stumped as to why 2/3rds of the trio don't tell Hadrian their secret. I'm lost. Did I miss something? Like a little detail or something? Did I miss something big?. Idk.. it's just a question that popped up again as I'm playing the game again.


a question: Does Hadrain still harbour romantic feelings for his first love?

Nessy Lovegood

Oh shit. That's a really good question..... I had a theory that it was the medicine healer he traveled with that taught him some basic medicine. That she was his lover.Buuuuut Ana said it twasnt.