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3.4K words today! 🥳

It's been a while since I've hit that mark! To be honest, I was aiming for 3.5, but I just couldn't find it in myself to type anything else — my sentences were turning incoherent and uninspiring and I'm not about to sacrifice quality (and fun) for an arbitrary number.

But, with that, I finished scene two of the chapter!!! It's a fun one 😋. The real meat of this chapter, however, lies in scene three, which I'll be starting on Monday. I can't wait to get to it! There's a part that's been living in my mind for so, so long. It was odd to write it on the first draft, but I think it'll only materialize when I finish it completely on the second draft.

That's the goal for next week! Get a good headstart on scene three — maybe even reach the middle? One can hope.

Besides that, I also wrote all the bonus content for this month's Patreon— they were, honestly, so fun to write. They give me a little taste of future romance scenes with the ROs; as well as help me better define their overall romance in general. There's a part with Rafael that I will have to include in the game in some form. I just have to.

The mature story also... well, I blushed a little. 🙈 I hope you'll enjoy it xD.

(Also,  have one of the art pieces ready and... I stared at it for 10 minutes straight. It's so unbelievably beautiful. I know you will adore it as much as me. 😭)

I don't know if you've seen it on my blog, but I'm hosting a little giveaway for having reached 6k followers. I just checked the number of my lovely patrons, and I almost had a heart attack when I saw it's sitting at 458 (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ )♡. I... I have no words, thank you all so so much. If we ever reach 500, I was thinking of doing something here — another giveaway, maybe? Much more intimate, between all the patrons.

Do you have any ideas or suggestions? If not, worry not, because I'll be mulling over it. 😋

I also want to thank you all for your help in the last two Beta Help posts — your insights and suggestions have been invaluable. I definitely will start to use this platform a bit more to help me in game development. Sometimes, even a small comment or a throwaway half-joking suggestion can spark an idea or an adjustment that ultimately, makes the game better than it would be without it. So, thank you! ♡

I'm spearheading this chapter! I'm just having so much fun, honestly. And I can't wait to share it. But, for now, let us say a short fare thee well. Have an amazing weekend! 🌹



(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ Omg! Progress and art and mature content incoming! It's a good month!


Hurray for progress :D can't wait to read the stories for this month, I can always count on The Golden Rose to brighten my day ever since I found it 😊

Nessy Lovegood

Wow you been busy! I'm so happy that you're proud of yourself for the progress you're making! I always become enraptured with the way you write things!! You write so beautiful! And again as I always say (if I sound like a broken record I apologize) but take care of yourself too!


I like all your mature content. I’ll take it all (especially with Alessa) ;)


I'm so happy the Rose and you are getting the attention you deserve! I hope you are extremely proud of yourself and all the hard work you've put in. If I had half of the focus you do I'd count myself lucky. I hope life is treating you well and that you have the time to enjoy it! Sending love and appreciation your way o7.