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Amazing week!!!!

When it comes down to it, writing is, essentially, putting words into the world. Translating thoughts into matter, if you want to be philosophical about it. And yet, it's amazing just how different one kind of writing can be from the other. 

After writing in the free, almost frenzied style of the first draft, it's such a breath of fresh air to really dig into the second draft. Now, sentences and the way they're constructed matter, dialogue matters — not just the general meaning but how a character says what they say. What they hide, what they reveal. Now, I have the time to really think about descriptions and the kind of mood I want to convey. 

It's been a lot of fun, honestly! The first draft is challenging because I have to always be aware of the chapter's structure and what it'll include, but now, I can simply write upon the foundation that's been laid. It's not a stone foundation, mind you, it's flexible and can change, but the general overview is done, and that takes a lot of pressure off my shoulders. So, I can simply... write! 😄 

It's funny how the brain always seeks something new — after coding, I can't wait to write the first draft, but after that, I can't wait to start on the second, and so on and so forth. Only editing, my one and only mortal enemy is never really welcomed xD

But, anyway, all this is to say that the chapter is going well!!! I broke my "weekends off" rule to finish the first scene of Chapter 2 this morning. I couldn't write Wednesday and  Friday because of appointments (😭), but I wrote all the other days! I've been filling the choices, imagining dialogues, and making up little ways that the text changes depending on relationships — if you trust Lance or not, if, on his turn, he likes you or not. All that fun stuff. 

Next week, I only have an appointment on Wednesday — and it's my last! So, the goal is to finish or be close to finishing the second scene of the chapter!!! 

I hope this Saturday has been going well for you all. I can't believe April is nearly gone — the first third of the year. May you all enter May (eh) with the softness of silky slippers stepping into gentle grass. 🌹


Nessy Lovegood

Yes I can understand that feeling. Where you just get your brain juices flowing and the writing just spills onto the paper!! I'm glad you've had a productive week. But again as I've said many a time don't burn yourself out!