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A little later than usual!

I apologize. Today has been full of appointments and obligations — although I still managed to squeeze in almost 2k words. 😋

This week was almost as productive as the last. Unfortunately, I didn't have as much time to write as before, but I still made substantial progress. The rewrite is all but done!!! It would be done if I could control myself, but alas, I cannot therefore here we are. There's a choice that happens, and well, a certain blue-eyed mercenary will have a different reaction upon seeing you if you have made that choice.

I suppose the whole scene would work with the version where you didn't make that choice, but... I feel like what happened would be significant enough that the characters have to react to it. I would be doing Alessa a disservice if I didn't write the fallout of taking it. So... I added that new version. And that new version came with 3 more different versions because Alessa approaches you differently whether you're in a romance or you're friends, and she approaches you very differently if your relationship is strained.

So, all in all, it ended up looking like this:

Today I finished all the versions, and now all that's left is going back and writing the Reason path that I spoke about in my last Progress Update — thank you so much for all the insightful comments on that post, by the way! I really appreciated reading your opinions, and it helped a lot! I have a solid idea of how to write the Reason path now. ❤️

Then, I need to write two versions of a discussion with a certain red-headed guard captain - the beginning will be very different based on Book One's choices — but that'll be quick because I have the skeleton written already, and all the outcomes are done. And that's it!!!!!! The chapter will be finally truly over, and I'll jump to coding.

That's the goal for next week! Finish the rewrite and head straight on to coding. I'm sorry that it's taking longer than I initially thought, but I am so, so happy with how everything is turning out.

I hope you have a peaceful weekend full of moments that bring you happiness. 🌹



Alessa, chill please. My face. Jk but I really do have a bad feeling about these branches 😭

Nessy Lovegood

Um I apologize my response wasn't anywhere near helpful 😅 I was trying to lighten the mood and I sort of skimmed the post and didn't get all of the context. So I apologize for that. 😅 I'm glad you were able to make progress it sounds like you did a lot. I've actually just started writing my book. Well 2 books technically... But anyway it's been fun! I haven't got further than the prologue for my novel..... But I digress. I love your little reports every week because as I've said before I like to imagine (even though I don't even know what you actually look like lol) us in a coffee shop having coffee and telling each other about how our weeks have been ☺️. But anyway this was a nice little distraction as I sit here waiting for the new AoT episode to drop.... (Come on Crunchyroll!) Much love and joy to you in the coming week! Until we meet again! ~warmest wishes and hugs, Nessy, Shotgun and Artemis (my cats are both right here "helping me" fold laundry. And by help I mean they're on the clothes )