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"Oh, God... Oh, my Lord." Joan's moans get your attention. She's splattered on the ground, her spear nowhere to be seen. She's moving her upper body as if trying to rise, but her elbows keep slipping and losing strength, and blood pools around her legs.

You walk closer. Joan sees you through the haze of pain. "Oh, God. God," she cries more desperately. She looks away from you, jaw clenched tight, hands trying to drag her body on the ground.

But she can get nowhere. Her left leg is bent at the wrong angle, the knee completely caved in. The horse did more than break her leg; it shattered the bone. Her armor is dented at the waist and sides, digging into her ribs. She's struggling to breathe, you notice. Her helmet has been thrown off, and her black hair is stained with blood.

Rain falls on you both, its roar closing in like a curtain. The street disappears, and for a moment, the world is made of only you and Joan.


1) You kill her.

2) You spare her. She's not going anywhere.

3) Do unto others as they've done unto you. You'll cut her cheek as she cut yours.





Ohohohoho, can't wait to read what leads up to THIS choice 👀


It's terrible because your writing makes me care for the most background character of all the background characters as soon as you give them a name or even just a line of dialogue 😭😭😭 Of course she's clearly a callous guard with violent tendencies, who wouldn't think twice before killing Romanus were they in reverse positions but … So would a ruthless Romanus. 💀 Even a merciful Romanus is still a mercenary who has to kill in combat every now and then. "Live by the sword, die by the sword." Now I wonder if she would beg for her life or if she would prefer to die, either because of pride or despair…🤔


Oof that 3rd choice... So tempting...


My pious and merciful Romanus is about to lose her damn mind

Nessy Lovegood

Okkkk whose Joan? New character? Or did I miss something?


After reading the first book, I was wishing so much for revenge to be an option in the sequel, but now seeing the guard suffering I think my Romanus would feel bad about scarring her face...😩 She'd still spit on the guard's face, though.