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And yet again, I'm here to report a successful week! I finished coding 2/3 of Chapter One, but, as some of you are aware, I wasn't happy with the direction I took for the last third. I had planned for it to go one way, but one night in bed, a new idea sprung to mind and... I didn't want to ignore it. 

So, I set out to re-write it, and I'm so, SO GLAD that I did!!! I started yesterday, but with only two writing sessions, I already love the new material twice more than the old one. It will have ramifications for the entire first arch of the book, and this way is so much more fun. 

There's a new face involved, a face that some of you have asked to meet again so that you can have some well-deserved retribution. Plus, I get to play a little more with my lovely Corruption stat, and well... that's always a plus for me. 😋

Today I couldn't tear myself from the keyboard, so I wrote 3k words! It went a little bit slower since I don't have the first draft to rely on — this rewrite is entirely new material — but even so, I was able to hit a respectable number. 

The goal for next week? I want to have, at least, the largest route written  — there's a chase and a duel involved. That's goal number one, but goal number two is honestly, to be almost done with the last third of the chapter altogether!!!! 

And that's it! I feel like this book is really taking shape, and there are so many scenes I want to get to. See you all next week! ♡🌹 



😁 sometimes it is best to follow your gut instinct, glad you're happy with it! It means the readers will enjoy it just as much. Happy weekend 💖


I'm glad you're doing what *you* like! In all honesty, if you like something, we're more than likely going to like it too! Oh, and if you're serious about discord, shoot me a message! That is if you'd want my contribution, of course! But as always, take your time and have an absolute blast, will ya?


Thank you! After I upload this update, I'll mess around with creating a server on discord and I'll definitely shoot you a message then^^