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His mind is gone.

All he can feel is you. You and your gasps, you and your skin, you and your flesh. Lord in Heaven, you. Hadrian can't close his eyes because your face is right below his, and Hadrian drinks in the sight like a famished man at a banquet.

Your mouth hangs slacked open, and your eyes look glazed, and part of him, a distant part that's still capable of thought, is proud that he's the one who made you like this. He's the one that has your nails digging hard into his shoulders, and your back arching until your chest chafes against his, and your legs wrapping around his waist with so much force that Hadrian is sure you're trying to pull him into yourself.

He'd go if he could. God above, he'd go wherever you wanted to.

His breath comes out ragged, short, and insufficient. Hadrian tries to swallow down as much air as he can, but it's hard when the air itself tastes like you. His hands are on either side of your head, supporting him, preventing him from crushing you as Hadrian plunges again and again inside of you.

Lord. God. He can't close his eyes, but he almost wants to. You feel so good. You feel better than good. You feel divine, like Heaven on earth. Like Heaven and Hadrian have never—

"Hadrian." Your voice drifts up, choked and strangled, and it ignites him. You crack your eyes open, and your feverish fingers leave his shoulders to plunge into his hair. Your nails shake as you tug harshly, and pleasure explodes behind his eyelids. "Hadrian, I need you to—"

He thrusts, and your teeth clatter on each other when you jolt on the bed. He watches greedily as your chest bounces up and down, putting it to memory. Putting everything to memory. You pull his hair, and he lowers himself so he can hear your next whisper.

"Hadrian," you say his name again, the sound so sweet from your lips. Your lips. Swollen and red and Lord, Hadrian can't help it. He'll have to interrupt you again. He'll have to. "You—"

Hadrian crashes his lips with yours, and his tongue dives between your teeth, conquering your mouth, drinking you whole. You moan in protest, but one of your legs bends, the hilt of your foot pushing against his ass, and Hadrian sucks in your tongue as he slides almost completely out of you, leaving just the tip—


To slam back into you, making the bed bang against the wall. "Oh, God," you yell, your nails scratching everywhere now. You shake under him, and Hadrian stops the kiss to watch your face. You shut your eyes tight, your legs spasming around him, your lips parting in a silent scream…

And he smiles when you jump over the edge. You come hard, throbbing around him, pulling him in. His vision goes dark at the corners, and he has to clench his jaw tight, but Hadrian doesn't join you. He doesn't want to yet, he's not done.

With an iron will, forged by years of the Templar's rigorous training, Hadrian stops moving completely and waits for you to come back down. He's hovering above you, green eyes completely dark as they focus solely on your face. Sweat drips down his arms and back, it pools on his chin and droplets fall on your cheeks and chest. Hadrian would apologize if he didn't like the sight so much. Your sweat and his; mingling together.

His. In the thralls of intimacy, as you blink slowly and look up at him with glossy eyes, parted lips, and flushed skin. As your hands cup his jaw, fingers caressing the bones below his eyes. As you're rocked by aftershocks, Hadrian can't help but think that you're his.

May the Lord forgive him, but right now, right here: you're his.

"You are beautiful," he says, leaning over to kiss your temple. Your skin is wet, salty, and delicious. Hadrian turns his neck to nuzzle his nose against your ear. He keeps mumbling praises against you, mouthing the skin, leaving little kisses along your neck, and your shoulder, then up again to your cheek, your temple, your earlobe. "Beautiful."

He wants to move, his whole body is in flames, but he'll wait. He'll wait until you're ready. "Can you go again, love?" he asks, hand groping your waist, following its sweet curve to trace the outline of your ribs. There's a pressure on his lower stomach. Lord, he hopes you say yes. "Can you breathe alright?"

Your hands tighten on his jaw, and you pull him harshly until he's staring straight into your eyes. They’re not glazed anymore. Your eyes are narrowed, your mouth intent and the way your nails dig into his flesh has shivers flying down his spine.

"Hadrian," you say again, but now he wouldn't dream of interrupting you. You have him. You have him whole. "Listen to me."

Whatever you want. "I'm listening."

You pull him in until your noses bump into each other. And then you clench your walls around him, making him hiss into the air. He's still hard inside you, and it's driving him mad. "Father in Heaven."

"I want you to go harder," you whisper. Hadrian hadn't realized he had closed his eyes, but he snaps them open at this. You're staring into him, your eyes softer, and your smile... beautiful.

His ears buzz. "Are... are you sure? I, uh. I'm already—"

"Hadrian, I need you."

And he loses his mind for a second time, for Hadrian isn't capable of thought any longer. He flips you on your stomach and holds your hips high. His other hand presses on your spine until you arch for him, your ass a round vision of godsend gifts and blessings.

Hadrian thrusts hard, his hips slamming against you in a sound that reverberates throughout the room.

Your cry is like a chorus to his ears. You have him whole. He'll give you whatever you want.

- - -

Alessa quirks one side of her mouth.

"You shall remain stationary," she commands, circling your back. Her blue eyes catch the glow of the two sconces burning in the background, its flames warding away the worst chill of the night. Alessa's feet are bare, making no sound as she prowls over the warm carpet. Her legs are naked too, thighs white and pale, and the shirt she wears is sheer and thin, but she finds the cold helps make her feel more alive.

She can feel better as if every nerve of her body is standing to attention. Her nipples graze the shirt every time she moves, sending small, little thrills down her arms. Alessa wishes it was your hands touching them, but she will not fall to weak temptations. She has all night.

She stalks you slowly, eyes never once leaving your form. You sit in a chair in the middle of the room, your hands clasped tight on your knees and your eyes covered by a blue ribbon of silken fabric. Alessa found it at the bottom of a forgotten drawer, and she cannot help but think how it seems to be made to wrap around your face. There can be no better use for it.

"Motionless I shall be," you answer, your voice light and teasing. The bottom half of your face is uncovered, and Alessa can see your smug smile. Her brows knit. It will not do. "You won't find a more perfect statue, Alessa, I will be—"

She steps forward, and five fingers grab hold of your hair. "Silence," she hisses, pulling your head back. You snap your mouth close, but still smirk, so Alessa leans over and kisses you upside down. She kisses you, all teeth, and nails, and tongue, seeking to steal all the air from your lungs.

"Ah," you pant when she bites your bottom lip, her other hand closing around your throat. Alessa shivers when she feels you swallow, your throat working against the palm of her hand. She feels powerful, she feels–

You grab her arm, pushing up in your seat to kiss her deeper, and Alessa almost wavers. Your lips feel so good, your touch so warm on her cold skin. She could simply sink into your lap and let you do as you wish, she could...

Her grip tightens on your hair, and Alessa snaps her face away, breaking the maddening kiss. You're breathing hard, and she cannot see half of your face, but your voice has all the bewilderment it needs. "What is it? Alessa come here," you beg, gently pulling on her arm.

Alessa twists her wrist and catches your hand. She catches the other too and brings them together at the back of the chair. "I have said you shall be still and quiet, yet you cannot follow simple rules," she speaks beside your ear. Alessa can feel you wiggle when her breath bathes the outer shell. "I find myself forced to take more drastic measures."

You open your mouth... but then close it.

Alessa smiles. "You are catching on," she says and starts to bind your hands with a thin rope. She feels your surprise. Your whole body stiffens underneath her, so Alessa kisses your cheek tenderly, hands stopping their movement. "Darling one, is this acceptable? We need not continue."

Your lips, your darling lips, spread in a warm smile. "It's alright, Alessa," you whisper.

She kisses you again, soft and tender this time. You reciprocate, your lips rolling together, and again, Alessa almost breaks. She almost lets go of your hands and pulls you to your feet so she can wrap her arms around your neck and...

You break the kiss. "I'm waiting," you say.

She smirks. "Still and silent," Alessa murmurs as she finishes binding your hands. When she's sure you are locked in place, she takes a step back to study you. You have your head tilted up, your shirt parted in the middle, and your pants hanging low from your waist. She drinks in the sight of you for a moment.

She has always appreciated beauty, and Alessa believes there could be no one else who looks more pleasing than you do now. Bathed by the flames, completely at her mercy.

She sees you fidget a little, restless at the silence, trapped in a world of blue darkness, and Alessa takes pity. She steps forward, putting one cold hand in the center of your chest. "Open your mouth," she commands, thrilled when you immediately do so. She can feel your heartbeat under her palm, like a caged hummingbird.

Very slowly, she lowers herself onto your lap. Her hand stays on your chest, pushing you down as her legs come to wrap around your hips. Alessa makes sure to press on your crotch, and her smile tilts at your soft groan. "Sweet one," she whispers, sharp fingers cupping your jaw. She digs in just a little. "I adore your lips on me."

And then Alessa pulls your head and presses your face against her throat. You immediately get the message. "Just so," she says with a sigh, as you kiss the skin below her ear. You drop open-mouthed kisses to her neck, going down her shoulder, seeking her collarbone. “Keep doing so.” Alessa half closes her eyes in bliss, hands guiding you, and sinks her teeth into her bottom lip as pleasure starts to build like a warm flame on her lower stomach.

Your lips are maddening. You suck on her pulse point, and she feels the muscles of your arms tightening. She knows you wish to touch her, to hold her, but Alessa presses her thumbs on your hair and pulls your head to the other side of her neck. You go willingly, kissing the skin there, lapping it over. She's on fire.

(If Romanus is male)

Her hips move on their own. Alessa starts to rock back and forth on top of you, trying to ease the suffocating pressure on her core. She's not wearing any underwear, and she can feel you there, hard and heavy, just under your pants. She presses down on you, delirious of your weight. She wants you inside. She needs you—

You bite down on her neck at the same time you thrust your hips up.

(If Romanus is female)

Her hips move on their own. Alessa starts to rock back and forth on top of you, her thighs circling one of yours. There's a pressure on her core, and she's driven to ease it like a mindless animal. You're pushing your knee against her, matching her as she sways, your lips so sweet on the side of her neck, your thigh digging into her just so, just perfect, just enough to fantasize it could be your fingers or your tongue, and Alessa needs—

You bite down on her neck as you thrust your hips up.


"Oh!" Alessa throws her head back, spine arching like a bow. You're kissing the sore spot, tongue soothing the bite. She's making a mess of your pants, but Alessa does not care. She rocks back and forth, greedy, and then snaps your head away to throw her useless shirt over her head.

Your chest heaves, your breath ragged and lips swollen, and Alessa wants to squeeze you into her. "Here," she says instead, cupping your cheeks again to guide your head to her chest.

"Hmm," you hum, the sound vibrating to her core. You nuzzle her breastbone before kissing the skin right above her heart. Alessa's fingers clench when slowly, almost too slowly, you move your head...

And then she moans when you kiss her left breast. "Darling one," she lets out, almost babbling. She knows she holds you too tight, that she bruises, but she cannot stop when she feels you smile against her plump flesh. You kiss along her breast, going in slow circles, and when she cannot take it any longer, you open your mouth and suck her nipple whole.

Alessa sees stars.

She does not know how long she stayed so. Using you, being lavished by you. She does not know how the rope eventually loosed, and the ribbon fell away, and your bodies melted with each other, half hanging from the chair.

She does not know. But she knows she will keep that rope and that ribbon somewhere private and safe, and perhaps, one day, her darling one might want to use them on her.



This is how I imagine Alessa! A dominant and powerful woman. This was great. I loved it!

Nessy Lovegood

Omfg 😳 this was so hot, sexy, spicy and intimate all at once. Good god, Hadrian 😳 that man has stamina... And I would be lying if I said I didn't have it bad for this ex templar you have created. By the gods I would let that man do anything he wanted to me 😅


Hadrian has strength and stamina. No doubt about that. I remember you saying Rafael is dirty and enthusiastic when making it with Romanus. I'm really want to read that.


Great gods above... fantastic job, fantastic job indeed...


How are you so good at writing these things Ana? It blows my mind. Don’t stop being you and doing what you do. Your writing is fantastic.


Well, I, um… damn. 👏👏👏 Hadrian is my fave. 🥰


ngl Alessa's story got me blushing 😳😳😳


A different side to Alessa 😍🤭 we love to see it