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Here is the link to the Alpha built! Before you click, I want to say a few words:

First, this isn't the entirety of chapter one! There's still the last quarter missing — I realized as I coded that I want that last part to go another way. It'll have ramifications for the entire first half of the book, and, honestly, what I wrote before just doesn't... feel right. 

So, I'll be re-writing it and uploading the last part as soon as possible! But I still wanted to put this out. 😋 For those who prefer to wait until the entire Chapter One is ready before playing, I understand. 

Secondly, unlike with the Prologue, I haven't sent this new material to my testers, so there will probably be some errors and typos. I'll do a deep edit after I'm done writing Chapter Two where I'll add the feedback you provide and fix typos, etc. So, this version isn't polished yet! This is very much an alpha build. 

Which is great if you have suggestions because I can add them fairly easily! 

I'm still not sure how to best set up a platform for you to provide feedback and bug reports. I know discord is probably the easiest way, but I'll be completely honest and say that I'm very nervous about moderating a server by myself. I've never done it, and I have no idea how to even begin. 

So, for now, if you have something to share, do it here or on Tumblr! I may not answer on Tumblr (because of spoilers), but I'll see it! If you go off anon, I can even reply to you privately. ♡

Last but not least, I'd really, really appreciate it if you could refrain from sharing the link. I'm not ready yet to have this content public — besides, I want this to be a benefit and a thank you for you, my patrons: the people who support the Rose. 

I want to keep updating this link with more and more content, and built a better game because of it, but that can only happen if there's mutual trust and respect between us. 

But enough rambling! Here is the link. 

I hope you have fun!! 🌹


Laura G

The origins were really cool! Love this start for Book 2, and the character interactions so good. <3 Missed them. Noticed some instances where 'him' was subbed in instead of 'his'. But overall the writing was awesome and enjoyed this so much! So excited about this series.


It’s amazing. Well done Ana. Even if I wanted to, there is no criticism I could give because it’s written so amazingly well. I only have good feedback to give. I’m thoroughly impressed.


As a Critter, I must say it is absolutely lovely to have Sprinkle along! <3 It's always good to have the Traveller on your side... 🍆😆


loved loved loved learning more about MC’s childhood. i could honestly read a whole book about it 😌


That's great to hear. I had so much fun with the different origins but I kinda worried people wouldn't care much

Nessy Lovegood

I just came here to say I'm loving the Hadrian confidence. Whenever Lexi goes and flirts with him not shyly his interactions are like 😳 is this the same Hadrian from book 1? Like omg he still blushes but not that much. He matches Lexi flirty quip for quip. Omg I love it 😍


Oh dude, I love that the MC had an animal companion across all three origins. Grizzly and the hunter origin is by far my favorite one to play through. It was all so GOOD. Amazing work as always!


Are we going to have a chance to talk about our childhood crushes, like Piki?


Definitely will have some moments when you'll be able to talk about them. About your home and past life in general. You can already tell Hadrian a little bit about it in one of the dialogue choices in his room, but there will be more — with more characters.


Hadrian is more secure in his role when it comes to you. His confidence and overall ease will only increase as you continue developing your relationship. ♡


a bug i noticed is when playing as a male romancing hadrian and talking to him in the morning about his templar past, if you choose the "you did learn from those lessons" he'll call you woman even if you're a male

Nessy Lovegood

Ok I'm sorry this is like the third comment I left here, but I keep finding new things to gush about. So last night I was in bed reading the demo again and it was late so my husband was already asleep right beside me. I'm a bit of a night owl/insomniac so I stay up way too late on some days. Anyway, I got to the part again where the trio go to retrieve their horses. Hadrian and Alessa have sweet reunions with Elly and Kroner. And they easily get them saddled and ready to go. Then there's Billy. Omg how I love that damned cow horse! 😆 I picked a couple of different options from the dialogue tree and omg I was dying! And when Romanus has to push and pull physically to get Billy out of his stall, I about lost it! 🤣 I was trying my damndest not to bust out laughing because my husband was sleeping. There were quite a few times during that whole entire encounter I was so close to letting out a huge laugh. I was dying 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I love you Billy.


Finally got the time to snuggle comfortably and play through the (demo)! I was so happy to come back to this universe and these characters, I had a great time 😊 (I noticed like, 8 typos throughout my first read, which is actually an impressively low number considering the sheer amount of text and the fact that no beta reader has gone through it yet!) Diving into Romanus' past was amazing, especially the appearance of the black spot oh my god are you kidding me?? Talk about a stomach drop! Here I was about to enjoy some meticulous work of illumination and then BAM! Destiny comes knocking. I was shocked lmao. And then the heart to hearts with Hadrian and Alessa, romantic or not, were so well written! I'm glad we have these new intimate moments with them, it is a strong start with the furthering of each relationship. I also really liked the fact that as we discover more of Romanus' past, so do we for Hadrian and Alessa: it feels really balanced, and it gives more depth and weight to each of them (can't wait for mutual angsty romantic confessions of dark and tragic pasts hehehe) All in all I am once again blown away by your writing, and I'm glad to be able to follow you as you give life to your story ✨


Please, never apologize for giving feedback! That's the main reason why I published the alpha 💛 And Billy 🤣 to be fair to the old horse, he was very very grumpy because he was sleeping and goddammit there comes this human again, demanding to ride him xD


I know this might be late but if you find it that intimidating to moderate Discord, which I very much concur since it's a space if left unchecked is prone to drama, there are alternative ways to bug-report. The most simple way would be to either create an e-mail or a Google Forms so you can easily filter the data you receive. In that regard it's better than a single Discord channel since the data is set up for you. That being said each option has it's ups and downs. Discord is good because the contact between the author and the reader is direct. But I'm sure you are already aware of it(?). Either way, it's not that difficult to set up a Discord server, or a good Google Sheets based in a Google Forms to filter out data easily. I doubt that you would even consider the offer since you must have better options but I can help you should you wish it, not that I'm a profissional, I just have some interest in that. Regarding the demo, pretty good stuff. I find that concerning the romance route, at least for Alessa's part, it's a bit too jokey/sarcastic lacking more genuine options when compared to book one (I didn't play through's Hadrian but I read part of it and it seems to suffer a bit of the same problem?) but that might be just me. Overall, thanks for your hard work. 🫡


Ohh a Google Form might be a good alternative! I'll think about it, thank you! And thanks for the feedback. I'll have to read through the dialogue options again but I usually give at least one choice for each personality stat 🤔


I was just rereading Book One after playing through the demo and you know that option during Rafael’s interrogation to question him about what kind of paint was used for the maps? The Scribe origin in Romanus really jumped out with that one lol 😆