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February, the second month of the year.

And so we meet once again. This week went perfectly! I was able to work on the Rose almost every weekday, and so the Word pages went flying. I just finished working for today, and I'm 39 pages from being done!!!!!!

This last stretch is one full of variation based on relationships and choices, so it takes a little bit longer to code — I have to keep breaking sentences and paragraphs into *if statements, which, in turn, makes me have to test the game a lot more times to make sure it's all correct. You'd be amazed at how many times our mind does the most basic errors.

The amount of times I found through testing that I put a false statement when it should be true or vice versa is almost embarrassing. It's even worse when dealing with numbers; those pesky < > signs are the bane of my existence! 😄

In any case, it's going well. The editing part has, honestly, been the most satisfying so far. I've shaved off around 6k unnecessary words and choices. It's also been really fun to read passages that I had forgotten I had written — this month's Sneak Peek will probably be a big one; I keep taking screenshots! Look at my folder xD

I had to delete a route of about 1k words that I realized was impossible to reach. There were simply no prior choices that allowed you to get to those conditions. It was sad because, one, my past self wrote what turned out to be useless, and two, I really liked it. It had some cute Alessa friendship moments, but alas. It was an error on my part that, hopefully, won't happen again.

Other than that, I have a small list of things to do once I'm done coding the chapter. They're as follows:

  • Arrange Relationships.
  • Arrange Character Profiles.
  • Arrange Appearance.
  • Put the Origin items on the Inventory page — bear tooth if applicable.
  • Write Burden_Romance (!!!!!!!)
  • Put achievements in the Prologue and Chapter One.

So, the goal for next week? Finish coding the chapter, of course, and be at least halfway down the list. I'm excited to set up the new relationship texts since those are always fun to write. For now, they shouldn't be very different from the ones you get at the end of Book One, but I still want to put some small differences here and there. And also set the skeleton code for changes coming in the upcoming chapters. 👀

And that's it! I hope this last week was kind to you. May the weekend be like a calm pond where once you dip your toes in, you discover that the water is warm and clear, and it feels like a hug against your skin.

This last week was relatively quiet, but I have some fun posts planned for the following ones. See you all there!!!!!! ♡



I cannot wait to see and play what you've written so far, I an practically vibrating in my seat in anticipation!

Nessy Lovegood

~attempts to click on the screenshot ~taps screen multiple times and wondering why it's not working ~Looks for a zoom button ~No zoom button or anyway to zoom in ~actually reads rest of the post ~dies a little inside My dumbass thought it was a link and then I got mad because I'm like wtf why isn't working?? And then I read that it was a screen shot and face palmed. I felt so stupid lmao 🤣 . But if sounds like you've made good progress. Also random but we have a lot of lakes where I live and there is this one that is so peaceful and beautiful. I actually jumped off a cliff into that lake. And I couldn't see anything I'm totally blind without my glasses. And I'm terrified of heights but I wanted to try it. So I just closed my eyes and jumped. The feeling of falling from that high was invigorating. But then I remember hitting the water and I just remember hitting the very bottom of the lake and pushing myself up thinking how it was taking me awhile to break the surface. But man was it fun. (Sorry my posts get away from. 😅) Wishing you the best this weekend! Sorry my posts tend to be longer than I mean for them to be. 😅 TL;DR I'm a pissed off dumbass, grats on your milestones, jumped off a cliff once into the a lake, have a good weekend


I wonder what the romance options would get Romanus for this world's version of valentines day


Legitimately cannot wait to dive back I to the world of the Rose and see all my beloveds again. Every little sneak peek is a treat and I am a dog waiting patiently lol. Hope all is well in your world!

Nessy Lovegood

I can't help but feel my MC Lexi would dress up as something church ish related except sexy. And Hadrian would be blaspheming the whole time 🤣😅 Ohh whoops read that wrong Jesus. I'm like a mess today. But I feel like Hadrian might like purchase a cross or something symbolic to him at least to my MC. My MC is also religious. But for a non religious MC... hmm maybe something historic that he found in the runes or something. Just like a little piece of something.


Nessy, you're so funny 😁. But I loved reading about the lake! I've never jumped that high (I'm kinda scared of heights) but I love the water, and I'm very familiar with that feeling of "ohoh the surface is *very* far away" 😄. Thank you for your words and sorry about the screenshot confusion!!