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Friday be upon thee.

And part of me is so glad to see this week coming to an end. It started very well. I was working on coding and editing as much as I could, and making good progress at that — the Summary is, yet again, even larger. My new favorite question (that's in the "Small Choices" group) is this one:

I didn't think I'd have to use a variable to track whether Romanus likes rain or not, but alas, one of the banters with Alessa mentions it, and thus another small choice is added to the Summary. 

In any case, as I said, the week was going amazing until, of course, it wasn't. I woke up at around 3 am Tuesday shivering, in a cold sweat, my head feeling as if it was split in two. And as I dragged myself out of bed (fumbling not to bother both the dog and the cat curled in my legs), I breathed in deep — and the piercing pain from my swollen amygdalas told me what I most feared: I had caught the flu. 

And, my friends, what a flu it was. I don't know if the virus strains are more aggressive or, because it was my first time catching the flu since before covid, and my immune system was pretty much flying on easy mode, but whatever the reason, this was the most aggressive flu of my life. I was bedridden the whole of Tuesday and wasn't doing much better until well into the morning of Wednesday. 

But then, it slowly started to get better. The good news is that, while intense, it wasn't very dragged out. By Thursday, I was able to go back to living my life, and that included working on the Rose. The bad news is that I was out of commission for 2 days. 

Which is such bad timing! But Thursday, I hit the 20-page goal, and today I edited and coded 24 more. We're now at 167 pages to the end! The goal for next week is to keep hitting (and going over) 20 pages a day.

And that's it! It seems the heavens listened to my request after all because it is so much colder now than before. Of course, it had to be when I really needed last week's nice warm weather. 😭 May this serve as some sort of lesson, although I'm unsure of what exactly that lesson's supposed to be.  

Catch you next Friday! Keep warm and healthy! ♡


Marie Strange

I'm glad you're on the mend!

Nessy Lovegood

Oh Ana, I'm sorry you had a crappy week! I'm glad you're feeling somewhat better! When I sent the cold over here from Missouri I didn't mean for it to make you sick 😷. I understand the feeling. Having just gotten over COVID myself. But take it easy my friend and don't push yourself too hard. I learned that the hard way when I had COVID. I tried to do too much and my body was like hell no bitch. But drink lots of fluids, plenty of rest and do what you can! Feel better soon! ~The Lochness Monster (one of my other nicknames in high school. My irl name is Vanessa. Nessy is just a nice name 😅)


SARS-CoV-2 damages every single system in the body, and causes long-term immune deficiency, so the "flying on easy mode" thing is actually inverse of what's actually happening to people around the world - the lie of "immunity debt" was crafted by policymakers, and has no basis in science. The fact that this flu season's mortality rate is triple what it was pre-pandemic is due to a lot of factors including T-cell exhaustion, suppression of MHC-I upregulation, loss of B cell maturation, microclots affecting organ function, and more that we're still working to understand, but they're effects of infection, not effects of non-infection. Anyway, I am glad you are feeling better. Take care of yourself, and listen to your body if it says it needs rest.


I catch a terrible flu past September, so intense I was sure it was COVID, but the tests kept saying it wasn't. Every muscle in my body ached and I couldn't fathom what to do with myself, even lying in bed was uncomfortable as hell. Then I lost my sense of smell for three weeks... Weird. Anyway, I hope you're recovered!


My brother got the flu a couple of months ago, and he said it hit him super hard. The doctor told him it was because for the last 2 1/2 years everyones been isolated, wearing masks and going crazy with disinfecting everything so we haven't been exposed to the normal amounts of germs we usally are and our immune system has weaken a bit. It definitely wasn't covid because he said he did the PCR test 3 times, and they were negative, and so were the rapid tests he kept doing every 2 days or so. He was sick for almost 2 weeks. Crazy how the flu affected him so much. I'm glad you're feeling better, and there were no complications. Take care


Aw take it easy! Hope ur doing okay!


I did the covid test 2 times too! And both negative, thus was definitely the flu. It makes sense what your brother's doctor said, my immune system mist truly be weakned. Thank you for your well wishes and I'm very glad your brother has recovered too! 2 weeks, oof. That must have been hard


Seems exactly what I had, expect the loss of smell! I also tested for covid but it was negative. The part about lying in bed was too real 😭. But thank you! 😊


Damn, it seems there's no denying the long-term consequences of covid 😦. It makes sense this flu was so aggressive then. Thank you for your concern, and I'll be sure to rest 💗


Ah! Now I shall blame the cold from Missouri! 😄 I kid, I asked for it, after all. And thank you for your words, I'm glad to hear you're recovered as well 💗 Take it easy too, Lochness Monster 😋 (what a cute nickname)


TIME FOR SOUP AND SLEEP. Please take your time to get all the way better. maybe get someone to make you grilled cheese sandwich.