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Coding, coding, coding!

Honestly, I think I can only see in *if statements and percentages increase or decrease. 😄 Right now, I'm deep in editing and coding Hadrian's part of the chapter, and I know I keep saying this, but there really is a lot of variation! I hope you take advantage of the Summary and try different builds because I think some of the conversations are worth reading. 

I know it may be hard to be hostile with Hadrian if you normally romance or befriend him, but some antagonistic scenes uncover a different side of the ex-templar. Same with Alessa and, hopefully, all the other characters in the book. 

The more I add to the Summary, the more I'm a fan of it. I hope it encourages people to try all sorts of paths in the finished game. 

I'm very eager to get feedback on this massive chapter, but I've been careful not to rush it. I'm editing as I go, and I've been tightening the text and dialogue a lot. I also had to cut down a few passages and choices — which was a bit hard, but I'm learning that sometimes, we have to kill our darlings. 

This report is short and sweet! I'm aware all I can say is: I've kept working. Slowly, I'm going through the immense Word document. My goal for the next week is to find time to code every single day — and reach Alessa's part of the chapter.

Keep well and fare thee well! Shakespeare wrote that only God knows when we may meet again, but I'm pretty certain I'll be waiting in another week's time. I'll search for you then. 🌹


Nessy Lovegood

I've already encountered a couple of scenes in the first book that were a very different side of Hadrian. And Alessa too. I hated playing the " bad guy." But I do enjoy reading the different dialogues and branches into different conversations.If Hadrian is as cold to my Romanus when she killed Garrett I'm curious as to what more is behind that still templar helmet. I feel like Hadrian still has some issues with leaving the templars and whether or not it was the right decision to leave..I mean hell you said as much. But I am very curious to see what happens when your religious beliefs, sense of morality and other things clash with Hadrian's beliefs. Or any of the other ROs . But I'm not just saying this because I absolutely adore Hadrian, but Hadrian as a whole is a very mysterious character. He seems friendly, warm, and overall a good person. But there's still so much of him that is a mystery. I feel even more so because of his background as a Templar. But I am very intrigued.


You had my complete attention at "hostile with Hadrian." If I had a chance to make him run away and cry, I'd grab it with both hands! Frankly, I was very sad at the end of book 1 when Alessa promised Rafael we weren't going to kill him - I was very much intending to do just that, mostly to ensure he never steals from me again but also I have to admit because I was hoping it would tick off Hadrian...

Nessy Lovegood

I'm going to take a guess here and say you dislike Hadrian or you just really want to see Hadrian pissed.


Thank god for the summary then! I wasn't sure I would be able to be an asshole to Hadrian (or even stop myself from romancing him... though I guess oblivious MC could pull that off without being cruel...) and to some extent to alessa as well, in order to try different Romanus characterizations and paths, but if I can just edit it it will be easier lmao. I swear I will try a full replay, maybe when the rose is 100% finished, as an angry, aggressive, vindictive and combat focused Romanus though (basically the opposite of what I tend to play)!

Nessy Lovegood

Have you ever done a full corrupted PT of the first book? Where you're evil and kill everyone. I don't want to say more than that because spoilers. I haven't done it myself..I haven't had the heart too XD. Someone I know did though and they said it was hard


Well, he made such a bad impression in Ch.1 with his bible-thumping that I spent the entire rest of the book expecting him to betray us to the Templars or Eyes. He also didn't exactly endear himself much to me when he got sulky and sullen about my gay ass flirting with Alessa every chance I got. He's a well developed and well written character but I definitely hate him and tried to scrape the barnacle off by abandoning him in the fight after the Aurelius murder, but Alessa made me wait for him. :(

Nessy Lovegood

Uhhh I cannot reply to the comment you just wrote for some reason. So I'm replying to the parent post. XD and I didn't really think he was "Bible thumping." Maybe to an extent. But I feel like he didn't try to push it on you. I mean he has his beliefs and that's ok. But I really didn't feel like it was forced on you. I played a Romanus who totally didn't believe in his God and told him such. And he was fine. But I suppose I could see how that would be off putting. And Alessa does the same thing if you're a male Romanus and you flirt with Hadrian. It just kinda comes with the territory. But they're both adult enough that they get over it. And support you in whomever you choose to be with. As for the Templars yeah I was a little curious about that too. Like after your escape from the ministry building and you all meet back at the tavern, Hadrian makes a comment of his "brothers." You have the chance to interject to that and say "former brothers." You could attribute that to him being tired because of the long ass day they've had. It could've been an honest mistake. But it did make me pause for a moment


I need to play through again, cause maybe I am misremembering, but I recall him doing the kicked-puppy routine a lot, which just made me want to kick him more. And yeah, he ended up not betraying us but I certainly was waiting for the shoe to drop the entire book, so my constant suspicion of him colored my experience. Anyway my favorite character was the sweet kitty I met on the docks. I hope I get to hang out and be best friends with her in Book 2, and maybe get her to cough up a hairball on Hadrian's pillow.


I have not! I love playing RPGs and I do try to not play myself but add some variations regarding MC's personalities. I can work with some violence, anger and selfishness but gratuitous cruelty is too much for me, I just feel bad and don't enjoy it xDDD


But being mean makes me feel bad :'(