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What a week!!!!!

It's unfortunate how underwhelming it is to say: I kept editing. Because, yes, that's what I did, but I feel like I did so much more. I edited, I fixed, I added, I changed. I pretty much got the Prologue to a point I can say that I'm proud of what I've created.

I didn't quite finish! I still have a character to add to the relationship page, plus a few more hundred lines to edit. But I'm at the final scene of the Prologue — where all the paths converge — so it won't be long. There's a particular passage that's giving me some trouble. It's supposed to be hard-hitting and emotional. It's supposed to make you care.

But I feel like it doesn't punch hard enough. There's just something in the way I wrote the scene that feels.... lacking. I'll return to it on Sunday because I found that it's always helpful to take a break whenever I'm stuck on something. Hopefully, once I have fresher eyes and a fresher mind, I can figure out what is the missing piece.

The goal for next week? Finish editing the Prologue and get a head-start on coding Chapter One!!!!!!! I'm so excited.😭 I don't know why but it's always... emotional to see the words in game form. It's like it's really there. The Word document is over 300 pages long, but even so, it doesn't feel like the Rose. But when I put it on CSIDE, click the choices and see how the text changes with the code... then it feels like I did something.

It only matters right at the end when both Quicktest and Randomtest come back clear.

I hope this week has been great! December is one of my favorite months of the year, and so far, it has proven to be deserving of the title. For now, I have a dog staring soulfully at me because it's past his playtime and he can hear his friends already running amock outside.

Join me again next Friday! I hope to bring even better tidings. ♡ 


Nessy Lovegood

That's so awesome to hear that you had a great week! I'm sure the prologue is going to be amazing! You put so much of your heart and soul into your writing that it's refreshing to see as a reader. I enjoy reading your weekly reports and random snippets of the characters "behind the scenes" if you will. I see how much time is truly put into creating and writing a book especially an IF. It makes me appreciate you as author for trying to help us readers have the best experience possible. And nooo don't keep the pupper waiting!! Have a wonderful weekend Ana!


Thank you for working hard for us.I enjoy your weekly content ^^ . I can't wait DEMO. Have a great weekend!


All progress is progress even if it ain't flashy! Don't forget to give yourself a pat on the back!


Aww thank you for the vote of confidence, Nessy 😭♡ I really hope you'll like the prologue! Working on the Rose is a joy, so the work isn't very heavy, but it sure feels good when others appreciate it. It makes it even more worth it ♡♡♡ Hope your weekend was great too! Now that finals are over, you should be able to relax 😋