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I finished Chapter One!!!!!!

Standing at 135k words, this isn't my biggest chapter yet — the Harbor, in the first book, still holds that trophy — but it's certainly amongst the top 5. I just had so much fun playing with the different variations in your relationships, as well as with a crucial past choice in Book One that it completely outgrew what I had planned.

But I think it's so worth it!!!

This has taken me longer than I wanted. Way longer than I anticipated. Those of you who have been here for a while know that my life... has been rocky this past year. Since last month, things have started to finally, FINALLY fall back into place, and finishing this chapter feels like... I can't explain it.

It's like I can breathe properly. It's the turning of a page, the start of a new path. I could go on and on with the metaphors, but I think you understand. 😄

And I want to keep going! Today I wrote 3.3k words, thus marking the end of this chapter.

Alas, this means that I probably won't be hitting that 50k word count for NaNoWriMo, after all. I did the math and I managed 42k total, but now I'll be hopping straight into editing and coding, so writing will have to take a back seat. (´༎ຶ ͜ʖ ༎ຶ )

Speaking of which, I'll finally add all the wonderful feedback my testers gave me for the Prologue! I'll also do a deep edit of it — won't make the same mistake I did with Book One, which was to leave all editing to the very end before submitting the game. In this book, I'll be editing the last chapter I wrote before coding a new one.

I think it'll really help me not only keep a fresh set of eyes but also spare my sanity! It's no secret how much I'm... averse to editing. 😅

But it must be done, and so I shall do it.

That's what I'll start next week! Do a deep editing of the prologue (which is also a big one with 114k words) while adding content. Then I'll code in Chapter One!!!!!!!

I may release the Prologue here on Patreon if you guys prefer, or wait until Chapter One is all shiny and ready before releasing them together.

I'll start editing the Prologue on Wednesday since this weekend, and in the following days, I have a series of home fixes I need to attend to. My apartment decided to start falling apart all at once 😭. So two repairmen for different issues will be coming over and doing some maintenance.

Wednesday, if it all goes well, I shall be free!!! (And back with a functioning dishwasher and window blinds😄).

I hope this week has been an amazing one. I hope the weekend is even better. Rest, heal, and meet me again further down the road.

I'll be up to my elbows in revisions, but I promise to take a breather and make time for us to catch up. 🌹


Nessy Lovegood

Whew!! You've been busy!!! Congratulations on meeting your goal!! And congratulations on 42k words for NaNoWriMo!! That's still really good!!! I'm sorry about your housing repairs. :( I'm glad they're getting fixed soon!!! I understand how that goes!! We just had to have our water heater replaced 😭 so that hurt our finances a bit. 😅 But again congrats on your goal and remember to take sometime for yourself in between all your responsibilities!! ~Nessy


Congratulations o finishing chapter 1!!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 and good luck with the repairs


Congratulation !!! 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉


Congratulations on this huge threshold.

Cleo June



Congratulations on finishing Chapter One! 🎉 Hoping your house repairs go well and your family is all in good health!


Thank you, Nessy!! And yes, house repairs are so painful 😭😭 sorry to hear about your heater


Keep up the great work! I absolutely cannot wait to read what you have in store for us. If this next book has anything on the first one God help us. 😅

