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Someone sent me an ask on Tumblr asking what is the most popular weapon choice amongst the players, and I realized that I have absolutely no idea.

So, just to satisfy my pesky curiosity — and because I always find it fun to click on a survey — what's your favorite weapon in the game? What is the one you use the most or the one that's canon for your Romanus?

Thank you!! ♡



Axe all the way. The brutality and sheer killing efficiency is unmatched, in my eyes


I actually love that this story has so many choices on what weapon the MC can use. A bow wielding MC is just my favorite.


Thank you! I'm glad to see the extra work is worth it. I definitely want to develop the weapons more, especially the longbow because I feel like it didn't have many moments to shine in the first book.


Honestly I just have a special place in my heart for spears. Oh, you studied the blade for three decades? Yeah well I have a long pointy stick, good fucking luck—


Why be precise and finessed when you can simply shatter armor, and break bones and whatever else dares to stand in your way?


My two main characters use the spear and the longbow. My spear boy is both charismatic and lore obsessed so it represents him wanting to fight smarter not harder. The archer girl is more religious and doesn't take lives if she can help it, so the bow helps her pick her shots with utmost care.


You may have experience, but I have heart. *swings the pointy stick wildly until it hits something* 😄


That's so cool! I really like how you're tying the weapons to personality and conduit. Definitely helps to better develop your Romanus.

Nessy Lovegood

Ope, I had commented on this...but it looks like my comment disappeared for some reason.....weird. but I think I had originally said that my MC uses daggers as her primary weapon. It's like a comfort for her. She loves the feel of her daggers in her hands and is always maintaining them in her down time 😅


I don't know why I haven't thought to make different MCs for different weapons but I do now! 😁 My default is sassy with a spear.

Nessy Lovegood

Ikr? My friend has like a cast of MCs (different fandom) but still. Im thinking of making another dude for a new MC..


My sarcastic MC always has daggers as well! :)


Daggers cause I like efficiency. But I am a weeny so they don't kill as much as maim.


Sword. Spear, axe, and bow seem too awkward to use indoors and to just wear around everywhere, and the sword feels like a more generalist practical weapon than the daggers.

Laura G

Tie between Sword and Daggers for my playthroughs, though have given them all a go on different characters


no no! you gotta be direct! you gotta be... *pointed*, if you will...


Battle axe is my favorite, followed closely by the bow. The party has its different niches (Hadrian as the big powerhouse and Alessa as the quick and quiet rouge) so I try to have my character fill in the gaps they have (bow as a ranged option and battle axe as just a super aggressive fighter.) I love the axe because it’s one of the few weapons that can brute force its way through armor, which is one the the most powerful advantages in melee combat. Also battle axe cause big hit stick ooga booga


Spear, always spear.