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I love a sarcastic Romanus. 😄

Your hand twitches in hers. "Alessa, I would be very grateful if you could explain yourself, my dearest. Because from where I stand, I'm looking like a court jester but without the fancy outfit."

- - -

"In all honesty," you lie.

- - -

"Why, I'm only enjoying a short walk in the rain," you say while spreading your arms wide. Raindrops fall on your hair and roll down your cheeks, stopping at the sharp corners of your grin. "Should I prance around while giggling at the sky? Perhaps then you'd believe the innocence of my intentions."

- - -

You bow low. "${Name}, at your service." You pause and grimace as if you're suddenly struck by a great pain. "Well, as long as it's a very short and easy service. I'm already quite entangled in other affairs, I'm afraid to admit. But, as I'm gifted with endless grace, I might serve you in one simple task."

You wave at his face. "Come, come, name it. Do you need me to fetch you a glass of water? A pair of socks?" Your eyes sharpen then, as does your smile. And when you speak next, your voice carries the weight of steel. "Cut someone's throat, perhaps? Swiftly get rid of the body?"



something about sarcastic characters speak to me


sarcastic playful Romanus is my absolute favourite they are so entertaining to experience! and I love calling them jester to my friends qhen we talk about the game! 😊