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I've heard about NaNoWriMo again and again in my short-lived online writing career but, honestly, I never quite understood what it consisted of. The goal is to write 50k words, but there's also a website? Do they hold a competition? Are we supposed to share the work? Is it regulated? 

This year, I decided: what does it matter? 

I'm doing the challenge for myself and sharing it here because hey, maybe some of you care to hear about it. So, to kick off the first of November, I wrote close to 4k words!

Today is a national holiday in my country, and I took complete advantage of it. A tall glass of coffee, a blanket, a dog and a cat curled up nearby — and you have the perfect start to what proved to be an amazing writing session.

I wrote a scene that wasn't in the outline at all, but I love it!!!! It's so risky, and a bit dark, but I think it adds so much to a particular kind of Romanus. It will have repercussions throughout the books, but I'm adamant to keep it. I think most people will probably miss it on a first playthrough, but hopefully, you'll get to explore it when you branch out. 

Apart from that scene — which isn't yet finished, as I need to fill out all the choices — I continued to work on the last section of the chapter. This particular outcome is an action scene, and those can be tricky. Writing movement in a satisfying and clear way is always a challenge. 

But maybe I'm going off today's high, but damn, it's a fun challenge. 😄 I'm too tired to keep going — the brain too needs a rest — but today has been one of those days that reminded me why I love writing. 

Here's to a month full of it! I'm fully planning on meeting the 50k mark. I think it'll feel good to be able to say: Yeah, I did manage to complete a NaNoWriMo. On my own terms, but I did it. 

Have a great week!!! ❤️


Nessy Lovegood

This is my first year participating in it and I'm so excited! I have absolutely nothing planned out but I'm going to wing it and see what happens. And yes there is a website you can share your progress with. I attempted it last year and I didn't like the layout of the website..but there's also a tool there. You can search for NaNoWriMo groups that are local to your area. The point is to meet up and well write with other people. I do believe there are some virtual groups as well. I believe there's also a timer to see how much you can write in say 5 minutes or something like that. But once you hit that 50k goal, you're considered a NaNoWriMo winner. I believe you get a free T-shirt? But I can't remember exactly. I know usually they give out free stuff if you meet the goal. But I think the whole point of NaNoWriMo is not necessarily to meet that 50k goal, but to just write. Be proud of yourself and what you did accomplish. And if you didn't get to 50k that's ok. You tried and there's always next year. In the mean time I do know they also offer NaNoWriMo writing sessions in the winter and summer time to help keep you going till November comes around again. It's definitely a challenge but it brings out your creative juices and is a blast!! Or so I have heard. This is my first year of actually taking it seriously XD


That sound like a fun challenge! I've only ever written snippets for my DnD characters, I can't imagine writing that much! Good luck and have fun with it!


Oh wow, it's way more organized than I thought! Good luck with your goal, Nessy! And thank you for the words of wisdom ♡


Wishing you all the best with your goals, and even if you don't meet them, any writing is a great thing! Wishing you inspiration, health, and happiness for the month! ❤