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The sun shines, the breeze beckons and we find ourselves at yet another cross on the road. 

Luckily, there's a nice, rose-wood table under the shade of a willow tree with cushioned chairs and a spread of chilled lemonade on top. Let us rest for a while, traveler, so that I can tell you of my latest adventures. 

And hopefully, delight in some of yours. 

Dramatics aside, it's time for another progress report! And it couldn't come at a better time because I just hit the milestone I wanted! Scene two — or Hadrian's conversation, maybe it's easier to call it that — is going along smoothly! As always, I've been having a great time writing dialogue, but I did get overly excited with how... specific the exchange can get. Which I like, because it actually feels like a conversation, as in, the character reacts to what you say, and the talk then steers one way or the other.

But, of course, that means I have to write all the other branches too. Not only that but come up with equally entertaining, equally true-to-character dialogues. 

All in all, the word count keeps building, but it seemed as if I wasn't doing any actual progress, for the notebook pages turned slowly. But! But I just got to the point where all the paths convert!

(Please, excuse my awful handwriting)

That means I can FINALLY stop leaving choices and branches behind and can rest easy because I'm going back to fill them all up. So, I didn't manage to completely finish the first version of Hadrian's scene because, honestly, I underestimated how complex I made the dialogue, but I still managed to make some progress. 

Now, it's time to write the other paths, which shouldn't take too long since I know where I need to head. That's the modest goal for next week. It would be even better if I finished Hadrian's romance convo altogether (12 notebook pages to go) but I'll try not to get too ahead of myself. 

That is it! My lemonade is all but gone, and twilight is not far behind. A reminder, however subtle, that time moves on, and thus, so should we. I'll see you next week, traveler. Bring cakes if you can. I've been craving some sugar. 🌹 



Congrats on hitting that milestone!! That's amazing <3