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Hello everyone!

Just a quick little update on my part. I know I've been very quiet lately, and I'm sorry about that. I've been trying my best to get everything ready and shiny before I leave for my trip, but alas, sometimes the world really enjoys watching us struggle.

On Sunday, my dog, Nero, was attacked by another dog. He's fine, just has a few bite marks on his tail and bruises on his ribs, but the whole thing stunned me to the core. We were trekking along this old road I found, with empty hills all around us and a very distant parking lot on the horizon. We were alone, with not a soul in sight, and I was admiring some pretty flowers with a violet hue when out of nowhere, this big dog came barging into Nero.

Nero was never a fighter, and the dog took him to the ground on the first hit. It's one of my worst nightmares - to be alone and incapable of stopping whatever is hurting Nero. My poor guy was yelling in fear, cowering behind me, and just thinking back on it is bringing tears to my eyes. Luckily, the dog didn't attack me too, she actually avoided me, so I was able to hold her off, kinda, until finally, her owner came running from a van in the parking lot.

Again, Nero's fine now, but he was really down yesterday, and I pretty much spent all my time glued to his side. This is all to say: I'll try to get everything ready, but there may be some lack of activity until I'm back from my trip on the 17th.

I'm pretty sure I'll be able to post the first Bonus Content tomorrow since the first draft is already written, but if I can't, I'll post it on Thursday for sure. The interactive scenario is also supposed to be out sometime next week, but if it isn't, I'll post it as soon as I return.

That is all. Sorry about the gloomy news, I certainly hope your Sunday started better than my own. Thank you so much for being here, I haven't properly addressed you all, but I will. In another post, a happier one, a brighter one.

Have a great rest of the week. 🌹



Poor Nero! I hope he gets well soon :)