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It is April.

And with it, we've fully transitioned to Spring. I know it officially started a while ago, but I only enter "spring mode" in April. Winter is behind us, the flowers are blooming, the birds singing, and I hear a lot more people sneezing. 😄

Unless, of course, you're in the southern hemisphere, and yellow leaves clutter your roads. 

This week was a great one! I started the second draft of the chapter, and I've been having a lot of fun filling the choices! I'm still in the very first scene, and it's been challenging to refine those early scribbles I put on the physical page. I wish I could say more, but the setting itself is a spoiler T_T The MC is alone for the moment, and you have some time to... think back, if you will. 

And depending on what "back" means - your past choices, your future hopes - the scene can have many different versions. So it's fun! But takes some time. 

I'll be going abroad to visit my sister next Friday, and will return on the 17th. I'll leave some posts scheduled here on Patreon - I'm actually planning to use the week ahead to take care of all the non-game writing for the month so that when I return, I'll be able to focus entirely on Chapter One. 

So, that means I don't expect to make a lot of progress on the second draft next week, although I'm planning to get a lot of writing done. Still, I would love to finish the first scene. There are 10 notebook pages left to finish it! 

I've been going over my outline for the book - making some adjustments - and god. I'm so excited to get to some parts!!! Book Two will be really fun xD Or so I hope. 

I hope your week was amazing and here's to an even better weekend. Stay safe, stay happy, and most of all, keep dreaming. 🌹


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