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It's time to look back and reflect on what I've done this week. I suppose the big news is that I finished the first draft of Chapter One. You can read the more detailed post here, but essentially, the bare bones of the chapter are done. 

I said I would start writing the second draft today, but I ultimately decided against it. I think taking a bit of time away from writing - so, until Monday, basically 😋 - will do me good. I noticed I wasn't as productive by the end of the first draft as I was before. The words didn't come as easily, or the scenes weren't flowing as smoothly. 

Come Monday, I'll be ready to continue full steam ahead! I caught myself daydreaming about the first choices in the chapter today, so I think I'm almost ready to return. 

The goal for next week? Ideally, I'd love to finish the first scene of chapter one in its entirety. That's what I'll be aiming for. I also want to write part two of the Interactive Scenario, and start to plan the first Bonus Content for April - Hadrian has won the poll, so it'll be about him! Alessa is a close second. I'm not sure if I should write the second Bonus about her or make a new poll. 🤔

That's it! Not much to report today, unfortunately, but sometimes it pays to pause under the quiet shade than force your tired feet to plummed ahead. Writing is, after all, not a sprint but a marathon, and one has to know when to recharge lest one risks abandoning the road altogether. 

Have a great weekend! 🌹



have a great weekend and rest well ☺️💕