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This post will serve as a place to answer any questions you may have regarding the new content. I'll share the questions I get, either on Tumblr or in PMs (obviously hiding who sent them), in case someone else might have the same query! 

At the cathedral, Hadrian asks you if you've paid the price to get in. The price being, of course, the gold coin. You can answer however you want just don't pick the options that will stop the conversation. So, for instance, the Your eyes dart around. "Not here, Hadrian," you whisper urgently, voice tight. "Not here." or this one: You look away, lips tight. You do not wish to speak of this.

If you pick any other one, a new dialogue tree opens where Hadrian tells you that he believes God is unquestionable, but men are corrupt. You can then ask him if that's why he left the Templar Order.

He answers with a single, final "No." And nothing else.

You can then choose to press for an answer, and if you do so, Hadrian will confront you about your glove.

Hope that helps!!

You will see her again! 😊


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