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Friday is upon us!

And thus, it's time to make the first Progress Report on Patreon. Since I can't know if everyone is following my Tumblr updates as well as my posts on Ko-fi, I'm going to include in this post everything I've been working on regarding The Rose since... well, for a while now. This way, all the information is in one place, and it'll be easy to keep track of my progress by reading the weekly posts here on Patreon.

Book One is finished and has been submitted to Hosted Games! I'm sure this is nothing new to any of you, but it's still a substantial and very exciting (to me at least!) news and probably the most important one I'll talk about today. The tentative release date is June the 2nd, a date which I both enthusiastically anticipate and anxiously dread.

As for its sequel, it's in the works! I've written the entire outline of Book Two - it'll have 11 chapters, plus a prologue, an epilogue, and three interludes.

The Prologue is done! It rounded at about 120k words, although that number is bound to shrink a little bit once I do the final edit. It's long and branch, and I cannot wait to get feedback on it! It's very different from Book One's prologue, the biggest way being that it features our very own mercenary, the MC.

Right now, I'm writing the first draft of Chapter One. Here is the lovely notebook I'm using!

The tiles are traditional to the city of Porto in the north of Portugal, which I visited some months ago - and gained a lot of inspiration for the Rose while roaming its history-filled streets and churches. This was bought from a local fair, from a lovely woman who made them by hand.

The first chapter is composed of four big scenes. So far, I finished writing the first two and am on the cusp of finishing the third one. To be completely honest, my goal for this week was to have been done with it - and possibly, the first draft altogether - before Friday, but alas. The Patreon launch has eaten away at a lot of my writing time!

I also wrote the two bonus content stories for March - Hadrian's is already posted.

So I'm not beating myself too much for this delay. Not too much. The goal for next week is to have finished the third scene and if not the fourth too, then at least be very close to it.

This chapter is... well, it's the first in the book. It already has a different atmosphere, I think, from the first book. You're not stepping into an unknown world, from a stranger's point of view anymore. The MC is you, and you are the MC, and the veil that separates reader and character is thinner and thinner. I'm trying to get all the foundation for what this book is to be perfectly right, which sometimes is a hindrance because first drafts aren't meant for perfection. They're meant for creation.

So, that's it! I'll be creating and, hopefully, I'll have great news to share next week. I have content to share here too! 😊 I'm still trying to familiarize myself with Patreon, as well as working out a schedule to post - if you have any wishes/suggestions, feel free to let me know!

I hope the extended demo is up to your expectations so far. Thank you so much, everyone, I really can't state how much your support has meant to me.

The rain has returned, in the piece of land I like to call my home, and the skies are grey but the cold is bitting no more. I'm in that odd, contemplative state where I don't know if I long for Spring or those early nights of Winter deep. Right now, however, it's still chilly enough that a dog and a cat are curled between my legs, and I suppose there's not much more I can ask for.

See you next week! 🌹


Armand Berry

You’re really bloody amazing!! I think I can speak for all your fans and say we love your work and we think you’re amazing dear author!