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- Compared to Nemesis, engine updates are up to 10 times faster and patching is 2-4 times faster.

Speed will vary depending on PC specs, these are the benchmarked times on my R5 5600X:

With 11 patches including Precision, TDM, MCO, PIE, BOS, BOC, SBE, with 10 runs:

Update Time (Average: 1.06 seconds)

Patch Time (Average: 6.14 seconds)

- Merges all duplicate behavior events and variables.

- Supports all humanoid behaviors.

- Supports all vanilla base creature behaviors (experimental).

- Supports all DLC added creature behavior (creatures from Dawnguard and other DLC like Vampire Brutes)

- Supports motion data (supports mods that add AMR-animations like MCO, DMCO)

- Selective patching (excludes generation of behavior files that are untouched by mods to save time and disk space)

- Backwards compatible with Nemesis patches.

- Support for patching mod-added behavior files

- Support for XPMSE

- Support for paired animations and race attack data.

- Progress bar + animation counter.

- Descriptive logging and xml source files for easier debugging and troubleshooting.

- Deletes old output automatically after each launch.


- FNIS Animlist support; to use poser and sex animation packs with FNIS animlist please use this tool to convert to compatible patch:



Requires .NET Desktop Runtime v6.0+

1. Install through your mod manager and make sure it is active.

1.5 If you are using MO2 add the exe as an executable to be run through the manager.

2. Run the engine. MO2 users should run from within MO2 as an added exe.

3. Add an output folder path.

MO2 users should point this to an empty active mod folder (recommended) or to overwrite path (do not point to virtual data folder otherwise issues will arise).

Vortex users should also point to a mod output folder. 

Output folder path is saved to Config/Settings.txt after first launch. Edit the OutputFolderPath setting to change output path afterwards.

Optional: keep Nemesis Engine active to use the patches it comes with.


1. Tick mod patches for the ones you want active.

2. Update engine.

3. Run engine and wait for completion.

4. Done!


Future Plans:

- Better animlist system; add advanced animation behavior with easy text file formats

- I may expand this to Fallout 4 behavior in the far future.


Bugs and Troubleshooting:

-This is a beta build; bugs are not uncommon.

- This is an external tool so it can never brick or damage your game or modlist. If you have problems simply delete the output.

- Please please please report your bugs to me in either PM or reaching out in the Skyrim Guild discord; every contribution helps with development.


Want to go the extra mile and gain access to the dev builds of the engine? Join me in the Skyrim Guild discord and request to become a QA Tester!




I have no idea how I've managed to do this but I got error while generating behavior and Pandora printed "deleting previous output" or something like that. But it deleted my entire data folder so that may be something you could prevent form happening :DD I know that it's probably my fault cuz I messed up selecting the output folder but behavior engine nuking entire data folder is a bit surprising even if the user is an idiot :DD


Hello. I have run this tool and it seems that the player cannot move while defending.


well this is not really my fault, if engine doesn't delete old output it will mix with previous output and cause all kinds of bugs. The engine deletes whatever meshes folder is in the output path, which is why I always recommend pointing it to a dedicated mod folder so it only deletes its own output


I'm not blaming you or being angry or anything it's just something you could try to watch out for future versions. Just add some test to see if the user picked wrong folder like I did to throw error instead of deleting.


Not sure how serious you are about expanding this to fallout, but we need all the love we can get over here! Fingers are crossed


Hello, I have found the fix and will be including it in the next version. It appears for users of XPMSE the blending on the arms needs the bone maps to be readjusted


installed just like the instructions but when the window pop ups its blank and nothinng to choose,on mo2


install as a mod and make sure the executable and all files are in the mods root folder


For me it works great and engine update is very fast. However updating behaviors takes longer than Nemesis, like 45 seconds. Could be my CPU sucks, but still throwing it out there in case it's a bug. Basically the step that says "Querying Threads" freezes up super long


Is anyone else receiving an error when checking the box for Attack Behavior Revamp saying the patch cannot be read? Also, I don’t know how to run the program for FNIS animation.txt files. Anyone have a short walkthrough?


Hey, yeah, it's not optimized for mid to low end cpus because all the exports happen all at once. The next patch should prevent this by staggering the exports so that there's no lockup


Think some of ADRIs stuff is not compatible? I get the same thing w. Inquisitor

jeefrey jonas

can it tell me how many animations im using too?


Are there any plans to expand the FNIS converter tool to also support the `s` flag (sequenced)? There's quite a lot of stuff out there that used that flag.


seems to be incompatible with adri inquisitor error pops up


Can't use it in sexlab?


Oh im trying this forsure