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Hi all! Happy new year!

I wanted to talk to you about upcoming changes for 2024. But first, I need to apologize for not having December rewards in time. I’ve been working hard on what was going to be an especial Christmas surprise, but a complication on my eyes delayed me.

I don’t want to spoil the details, but I’ve been working on a manga style mini comic of about 6 pages that I was going to post complete for Christmas. 4 pages are ready, but instead of posting them now, I will give you a link to the December rewards where I will post the complete work as intended as soon as it’s ready. That way, you will get your rewards in the next days even if you unsubscribe for January.

About my eyes issue. I had laser surgery in August. Ever since, my eyes have been bothering me. The dryness, augmented by the exposure to the PC, made my vision slightly blurred and created little cracks in my corneas according to my ophthalmologist. Some days ago, my left eye started to hurt and got bright red. I got an emergency appointment yesterday and it seems I got a little infection through the exposure. He advised me to reduce my long periods of time in front of the screen to the minimum and allow the corneas to heal completely (or as much as laser surgery corneas heal). Nothing of this is dangerous or irreversible, but he said I definitely have to make drastic changes.

So, between that and my main job that’s been a lot more demanding, I will have to make adjustments. I first considered closing my Patreon, at least temporarily, but I want to give it a chance with a less definitive solution first.

I will create a new tier that consists of:

- Lower price

- Constant AI content. I am aiming to an average of an image every two days to daily.

- Ongoing comic pages as they are made, and they will have priority over regular images.

Note this is just a temporary tier while I feel like I’m ready to go back to normal, unless it proves to be something people prefer.

For instance, I’ve noted some of my AI content has more likes and reactions than traditional images or even comic pages I worked for days to make.

So, my regular Patreon will become exclusively AI during this period. That doesn’t mean the traditional work is going entirely. But I will dedicate its time exclusively to the ongoing comics in order to have more constant progress. I will keep you posted about all traditional artwork updates on my social media. So, if you don’t care about my AI work, you can still keep track of what’s going on with my traditional artwork and subscribe only for what you want, when you want at a reduced price.

I will unpublish the current tier, but will still be available regularly during January for those who remain subscribed. You will have access to both the current and new tier rewards so you have most of January to decide if you like what you see and want to change to the new one.

I hope you understand my reasons. Please know that I will do my best to give you very exciting things this 2024!

I’ll leave here the December rewards link. Happy New Year!



Andrew Whelan

I agree. Heal yourself.


Thank you. I have to take care, but fortunately, things are developing really well with the infection.

Xander Magick

So does that mean the current $8 tier will disappear? Will Patron switch it to the other tier automatically? Because if not I would totally be fine still paying the slightly higher tier price even if it means less stuff for a while. Ever since Patreon switched the payment to out of the US, my bank complains that it's international and I have to tell them a bunch of times not to lock my card when I manually add new patreon things to my card. I'd be totally fine paying the same amount of money if it means not fighting my bank. lol


Hi! Yes, the original idea is to remove the $8 tier at the end of the month. Right now is unpublished, which means everything remains the same for subscribed members, except no one else can see or join the tier. Unfortunately, neither Patreon or me can switch users to another tier. If I delete the tier, currently subscribed patrons wouldn't be assigned to a tier, and they would have to subscribe themselves to the new one. But I appreciate your support and if you need the current tier to remain, I think we can make it work: I don't delete it and leave it unpublished. Or I could also leave it as an archive/support tier with all the previous years rewards. Either way, everything would remain the same for you and you wouldn't need to do anything 🙂