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Since I already gave him a black lace thong, I thought socks and shirt garters would make a nice match.

I made the shirt ones, they are not properly "functional" as the straps don´t bend all the way up to pose with a shirt, but for shirtless renders, it works really good, each leg strap has easy-pose controls. I will share it with you along page 05.

I was going to use more elegant shoes, but I tried these more sporty ones with a black material and I think they work for Savage Dragon and looks interesting with the garters. I don't know, I'm weird.

Sorry I wasn't posting earlier. I had laser surgery on my eyes early this month and got a minor complication that made my recovery slower and my eyes are still a bit irritated, especially the right one. I just hope the light sensitivity and the flare goes down a bit soon because it's tiring.

But I am on track again. I plan to release two Savage Dragon pages for July and August and create another comic poll for September. I'll keep you posted :)




You know, if its only socks pulls, i wouldn't mind, they look mighty sexy on big, muscular calves Please dont forget to add a back side pick of those calves 😋