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I’d like to start January with changes, but I am still not sure what.

The only potential change that could affect you beforehand is the suggestion/poll, because it is tied to the next month. I have not decided if that will change in some way, but I am letting you know before the next payment so you can decide about your subscription in case the suggestion/poll is vital to you. If I change it in some way and you stay I will be sure to give you an extra something instead.

Something else I am considering is changing the variants. They take a lot of time and I feel I could do something else instead. How do you feel about ongoing comic pages instead of variants? More sketches? I also think of doing things of my own instead of fan art only.

Feel free to add your suggestions! I’d like to know what you would like for next year. :)


bob hope

I'd love comics again, especially ones with a bad/rapey end haha


I do have some ideas for that. The art is not a big problem, but writing is what I struggle with. But it is something I definitely want to do again!

Klaus 'Spanky' Sauer

I think, that we don't really need all these variants for one character. Comics or Sketches of your art would be great too. I like the idea of Alan about a DAZ3D tier. I would immediatly upgrade.