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My back story for this is that Blanka was a sensation in Brazil when he first appeared in the World Fighting Championship and the reunion with his mother kept him in the spotlight for a very long time.

But, he quit fighting and kept a low profile to live a peaceful life with his mother and recover the lost time. Eventually, people just got over him and he became no more than a meme.

He ran out of his small fortune and today, living in the favelas he dreams about something better for his mother. Knowing he can’t just leave her to travel the world fighting as in the old days, and can´t take her with him due to her health, he signs a contract with a shady talent agent that knocked on his door with the promise of reviving his career.

The first step in the agenda was to put Blanka again in the spotlight… Little did he knew what kind of spotlight his agent had in mind.

To his confusion, he was provided with a very indecent g-string and was instructed to attend Copacabana and Ipanema beaches wearing it. Despite his protests and embarrassment, he complied. He was mortified by the exposure and attention he was getting… But wasn’t exposure and attention the idea in the first place?

With his new tan ready, and his beach photos and videos an internet trending, he was booked by a Samba School to perform in the Carnival wearing only a huge feathered headpiece and a C-String so small, that looked and felt like it was about to burst open in the middle of the Sambodromo with every move.

He demands his agent more artistic jobs. And art he got. Before he knew, he was disrobing for a life model in an art school. While posing fully nude was not in his plans, at least there were no more than 50 students in the class. But then again, what would 50 persons looking at his penis would do to his numbers?

So, back to the original plan, in a half comfortable middle point between art and nudity, he got this new job as a model for an art photography publication. However, he ended the job wondering what kind of art photography publication is called “Garotos Gostosos”.

When Blanka realized he posed for a gay p0rnmagazine long after it was in the stands of all Brazil, he finally understood he was being exploited sexually all this time for quick fame and easy money! The shock! However, he hoped his humiliation would at least provide his mother with a better, healthier life.

Unfortunately, her mother got a copy of the gay magazine and died instantly of a massive heart attack.

Just kidding. Eventually, the agent’s plan to give him exposure (literally), while shady, worked like a charm, and Blanka was hired to appear in a Netflix Original telenovela, which made her telenovela addict mom so proud and delighted, her health quickly improved.

Seeing her so strong, gave Blanka the motivation to do what he really loves and now travels the world with his mother, fighting in the current World Fighting Championship. While he feels his life is again complete, his biggest motivation for winning is to make people recognize him again as one of the world’s strongest fighters instead of some p0rn model and casual exhibitionist. Still, even if he never accepts it, he didn’t hate those days as much as he likes to pretend.





Great back story.


I love that backstory!😃