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I feel like I have to do deadlines or something. And college is getting busy for me. I feel like I should do stuff I want to do myself. I’m getting stressed and my depression is really getting to me right now. So you should probably unpledge to me real soon or now. I’m sorry :/



whatever you do just remember to stay and chill.




You dont need to make yourself so much stress . Just upload the content when you want to , I‘m always happy of new creations from you . Just share the cc‘s you make for yourself with us & I‘m happy😬💕


I am so sorry to hear you are leaving! I wish you would stay and it don't matter when you put your stuff out for download! You could put it out at the end of the month even if you are stressed out. Please don't leave!!! But I understand if you do leave and I am not going to unpledge yet!


Ditto I agree with the other 2 post! Life happens we know life can get busy. Don't leave!


Don't rush yourself on account of everyone else. We are supporting you because we like you and your content. If it would cause less stress to you, set aside a specific time of day or certain days to work on stuff, that way you can focus on school and your wips when you feel like it. Regardless, we support you no matter what. Take your time and breathe. We here for ya.


naw im a ride or ride gal....you upload whenever.


Don't go just take your time ,we here for ya❤