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Phew this page was exhausting. But also rewarding. I'm very satisfied with how it turned out. Anyway, now on to the next!




KJ The Pupper Dog

Beautiful coloration for the timeframe switches on the city!

Nelson Cabrera

Beautiful :D Mike is going to get his crush

Nelson Cabrera

Diamond is really sexy with that muscular body of his :3


Sick time transition


this is a really nice page! you should be happy with how it turned out and how far you've come.

Diego P

Love the scenery on the top

Ivan Zugasti

Can't wait to see how the cape looks. This page is beautiful with all the colours


The use of color is really nice here. Very pretty page, well done. :D


He getting all DOLL'ED up for those hungry eyes

Nicholas Lambrianos

I can see why it was a lot of work but I also have to tip my hat off to you for an incredible piece


Excited to see the show