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Sketches for the next couple comic pages. To be colored.





Super neat how this ties back to Teej's "u were rite ;3" text at the end of Best Man, also makes me wonder what the rest of Lizzy's message was to Mike earlier, that ended with "-their sexuality to throw a bachelor party for 2 gay guys?" Now I'm wondering if she was saying something along the lines of, "don't worry, I don't think anything of it." And Teej could just be a little shit but I wonder if him including the ;3 emoji is indicative that his and Lizzy's conversation about it was positive? Can't wait to see how this all plays out, especially what the next interaction (if there is one) between Teej and Mike might be like.

Alex Segal

This is going to get interesting


I knew it! I knew those two were working together!

Nicholas Lambrianos

So she’s the one Teej was texting that night, I cannot wait to see the next pages and I hope there’s a flashback to show how she knew

Julian Fratzscher

Well, that dog is out the bag, on both sides.


Oh. This is interesting


What a twist!


Would been depressing if she was angry or homophobic, so thankful she just saw it as path too self acceptance <3.

Ivan Zugasti

Awww okay it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.

Poggers Boi

IIIIIII knew it lol