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Just sent out the reward packs, including another page of Best Man (pictured above). Hope you enjoy the content! If you are pledging to Fawn Tier or higher and have not received your rewards, send me a private message about it.

And as always, a reminder for those new patrons who might desire content from before they started pledging, the way to get it is explained here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/for-new-patrons-3952983





He has a 'Why?" boner :3


Looks more like a Freedom Boner to me :P


I just pledged, how do I see this image? I'm rather confused


The full images are found in the reward pack, which is delivered to eligible patrons via private message on the 1st of each month, right after pledges are processed. However, the reward is only available to Fawn Tier and up, so you aren't currently eligible to receive it. If you were to upgrade your pledge, there are ways of acquiring rewards from before you started pledging, which can be found at the link in the original post above.