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Hey all, we're back from hiatus!

First, I wanna say a huge thank you to everyone who wished me well while I was sick with covid last month. There were too many to thank individually, but just know that I read and appreciated all of them. You're all wonderful!

Second, I have the Roundup for August-September. I'm just gonna call it August to make it easy. As usual, it contains all the arts and stuff from that period in one tidy folder, which you can download here.

Third, a minor note that should not affect anyone who is a current patron: I switched over to subscription billing. This means any new patrons, instead of being charged on the 1st of each month, will be charged on the date they joined each month. Patreon finally made that a thing, which it probably should have been the whole time.

Anyway, that's the spiel. Thanks to all for continuing to support me and my silly work. Your generosity is forever appreciated! Cheers!
