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Who could this exclamation be coming from, I wonder. To be colored!





Hmm something tells me that Mikey still wants to be with his girlfriend, but get to know Diamond as a person and not as a stripper.


My guess is it's TJ shouting Kev


I'm really curious about why Diamond isn't looking to date! There's all kinds of reasons why, I just wonder if any might be related to his past encounters with the straight ("straight") dudes he mentioned before. Props to him for setting firm boundaries at the start, tho.

Max Freeman

At least they can still bang once in a while. I kinda know why he turned down the boyfriend/romance cause of his job and business plus EVERYONE knows him so it would be hard and always busy to keep that image.

Diego P

Is that Kip!?


Or he might be already dating someone else, but in an open relationship?


I feel this dialogue is smoother than the last page. And I'm glad the romantic option got shut down. Would be shame if he broke up with Liz.

Max Freeman

The open relationship was my second thought cause he didn't say what kind he wants.


Is that Teej just around the corner?


Please be Kip and not Teej...


What does keep it 100 mean?


Oh yeah hopefully. Teej can be a bit irritating sometimes.


M. Night Shyamalan twist: what if it is Liz and she happens to know Diamond? *cue 90s sitcom cliffhanger music*


I think the colour of the speech matches Kip more than anyone. Teej is more cyan.