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Diamond knows what's up. Or thinks he does. It's an educated guess. To be colored!





Now I'm curious about Diamond's first time seeing this


Lay? I think it’s misspelled, “lad”


Lay is often used as slang for sex or a sexual partner

Max Freeman

Diamond wants his private time with his pup; now that he’s off work, he has the freedom to fuck him with no business as a stripper.


A cliffhanger

Diego P

Taser avoided, that's a good first step


Diamond would totally have experience with this situation. Hope his remedy will help our boy Mikie out. Saying he's a good lay gives me a pretty good idea what his strategy will be


Oh I can’t wait to see what’s next.

phil norman

Damn… This is so much fun.


Not sure if I dig this page. The joke about the taser is good and all, but the dialogue from Diamond is, overall, really, strange? Like it seems almost mechanical and rehearsed. I feel like it robs the situation of emotional weight and character chemistry. Mike goes in to shoot his shot and learn more about himself, and Diamond responds, almost like a doctor "Yeah, you are confused straight boy #257 to come to me like this. You were a good fuck so now I'm deciding not to tase you." In my opinion it makes Diamond seems like a bit of a douche at best, and it kneecaps the emotional weight of the entire scenario at worst. Mind you, I love the previous comic and I love this so far. I am eager to see what follows, so this comment comes from a place of passion and not negativity for the sake of it.

Canyon Tiger

Diamond is about that life…#thuglife


That might be a deliberate choice by Diamond. Or Kev as he goes by offstage. In his line of work, he has to keep that emotional distance from the guys who watch him onstage, lest he get too involved with someone who is too obsessed with the fantasy. Also remember that Kev doesn't know anything about Mikey beyond that one-night stand. He's been able to deduce that Mikey is probably inexperienced when it comes to intimacy but doesn't know yet that Teej isn't really his friend. Mikey still being too nervous to explain what's really going on with him isn't helping matters either.


I wouldn't mind him being emotionally distant per se, in fact it would make sense as you described. But I am more irritated by the line about "seeing this kind of thing a million times" and already having set of prepared solutions in mind. It makes it sound like Mike is just another run-of-the-mill guy that he comes across all the time. Overall it just rubs me the wrong way, and it adds nothing to the story besides making Kev appear smug and sexually experienced. Which can be achieved with better dialogue in my opinion. Actually, the more I read this page, the more I think that this might be the worst piece of character writing I've seen from Sigma.


Honestly, think about this in a bigger sense. This dialogue would happen in about 30 seconds or less in real life... They know almost nothing about each other and I agree with Jem's position on it. It makes sense but it also encompasses a tiny fraction of what their interaction is going to be moving forward. Diamond is in fact showing emotion, he's not actually detached, he's just making fair assumptions based on his experiences and the limited knowledge he has thus far. I'm excited to see what he's gonna do to help Mikey out tho for sure! <33


I am excited for what is to come as well. But "making fair assumptions based on his experiences" is the part I have problem with. That he has those experiences in the first place. The implication that he deals with stuff like this on borderline daily basis is just so jarring and makes the interaction feel really unnatural. I don't know how else I can put it into words. So I quickly wrote an alternate version that that still gets the same point across but without the stuff I dislike about it. D: Yep - You're not the first guy trying to figure himself out. And you won’t be the last. M: I- I guess… D: I can imagine that night must have left a big impression on you. D: The way I see it, I can deal with you in two ways. Since you are Teej’s friend, and also a good lay, I’m gonna go with the second one.


this is a few days late but I agree with you, though in a way where I still like the dialogue and overall vibe. I can see how Kev may come across as being a bit of smug douche here, but that makes sense to me when I think about what it implies; he's gone through this rodeo so many times that it's old hat by now. Still fun (when not needing to whip out a taser), still satisfying in some way, but nothing new or particularly exciting. It's routine to him, so he (edit: thanks enter button for posting this too fast) falls back on canned responses. It's an interaction that's supposed to feel mechanical and kinda weird, if that makes sense, because it shows the mismatch between him and Mikey.