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Bambi notices you from across the clearing. What next!

So circumstances at my place are not great right now. My air conditioner has broken down again, which you wouldn't think would be a big deal in February, but I'm in Florida where everything sucks, and it makes the place nearly uninhabitable. If it's not fixed by tomorrow, I may have to stay elsewhere for a few days.

Anyway, cross your fingers for me.




Falcon Shadownight

Yes, humidity and heat sucks, and mot in the good way.


Florida 🫣

Ivan Zugasti

Awww Bambi perfect as always. And oh man I used to visit Florida all the time. It gets bad there. Hope everything gets fixed up

Diego P



I didn't know you lived in Florida. Glad to see another Floridian. Art is great!!!


I definitely feel that, Florida being summer for 3/4ths the year is annoying as hell.


Bambi is too cute! Very princess indeed

phil norman

Fingers totally crossed over here, Siggo…..


Thank you so much sigmax your art work is outstanding.


Whooeeh~ It'd be a dream come true if you ever make a comic focusing on the incestuous escapades between younger Bambi and his dad in the modern era.