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Hooo boy this page was a nightmare. Shortly after finishing the flat colors, photoshop decided it was time to go haywire, which led to a bunch of layers being merged together and ruined. Long story short: I had to completely redo about half the page.

Anyway, now that's over. Page is done. Bleh x.x




Natty Daddy

Sounds like a real predicament for the both of ya

Ivan Zugasti

Too bad but it looks as gorgeous as always


This beautiful dog deserves a beautiful life. <3


That puppy butt though 😍


Regardless of the photoshop issue, it was executed neatly though. I am so sorry that happened to you though, it gets absolutely frustrating when errors like that come up uwu I can’t wait for page 7 now! It will be fun if we see Diamond very soon <3


Yeah it was worth it for that wet butt 👀

phil norman

Well, it's gorgeous, like always…..


As usual, sigma powers through to perfection


Funny how he starts out thinking about Liz and then decides that he needs to talk to Diamond to resolve this. I love how Sigma's drawing style for Mike's body has evolved. I lliked Mike in Best Man Wins, when there was nothing to compare him to. But now, comparing them side by side, this back view is bordering on photorealism. In comparision, the older style is too smooth and stylized, like and inflatable doll or something. The attention to detail, just in the borders of Mike's spots is incredible.


I truly enjoy this series my friend. It closely mirrors the struggles I had in reverse. That being a top attracted to bottoms and a Dominant attracted to sub-missives- regardless of sex. Those of the submissive nature, hold for me a powerful attraction. It plays deeply upon who and what I am. But at the time.. I was like him- deeply conflicted. How could I possibly do this? How could like male submissives and bottoms so powerfully? And just like his member above, my Malehood would not give me a moment to think of my situation without lusts, passions and erotic love coming into the picture- as an erection. And just like above, the object of my desire was so... very... willing. They wanted to see me again, wanted to reinforce my "addiction." And I knew that I would be trapped, unable to say "No" in their presence. One smile... and all would be committed to passions. It was a most difficult situation for a man to find himself in at the time.... Therefore this series brings back so many memories Sir. Thank you for stirring old passions- you are good at that. And while I am certainly no Diamond, my physical size, build, stature and mindset place me firmly on the side of Diamond. It is interesting to see just how powerful the attraction is for you subject. He feels it every bit as I did- an impossible situation to be in. But how to rectify? How to admit I felt passions for both sides? MOST WELL DONE my friend.